64Yet there are some of you who do not believe." For Jesus had known from the beginning which of them did not believe and who would betray him.

65He went on to say, "This is why I told you that no one can come to me unless the Father has enabled them."

66From this time many of his disciples turned back and no longer followed him.
- P112

It is only by God’s grace that any person can be saved. - P114

Jesus was the only one who truly had the words of life. - P114

For eternal life, it is Jesus, the Lord of life Himself, who alone we must trust. - P114

"God does not consult us to determine right and wrong. It‘s we who must go torevealed Scripture to find out what we should believe - Randy Alcorn - P114

Following Him all the way is impossible for our human willpower, butfollowing Him by His strength is possible because with God all things arepossible (Matt. 19:26). - P115

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15-16 그러나 너는 네 미모에 취해 자만해지면서, 결국 길거리의 아무남자나 붙들고 침실로 가는, 흔해 빠진 창녀가 되었다. 너는 네 좋은옷들로 장막을 만들고, 그곳에서 몸을 팔았다. 결단코 있어서는 안될 일이었다.‘ - P510

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 우리는 ‘여전히‘, ‘적극적으로‘
하나님께 순종하고 있습니까? 여호와께서는 "네 청년 때의 인애와 네 신혼 때의사랑"(렘2:2)을 기억하십니다.  - P33

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He is the fulfillment of this Scripture. He is fully human and fully God, and His teachings come from the Father in heaven. When we recognize that Jesus truly is God’s Son, then all of His promises become our hope. - P110

Jesus not only gave Himself up to save us from our sins but also continues to sustain us in our walk with Him. - P110

we need to continually stay connected to Jesus because that is how we can remain spiritually alive. - P110

He is life-giving. He is nourishment that not only satisfies but also sustains.
His people need Him and cannot live without Him. - P111

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성령의 거듭남, 즉 ‘신선함‘은 우리의 의지가 아닌 성령님의 전적인 역사입니다. 이 새로움의 유지는 순종으로부터 시작됩니다. 거듭남으로 빛 가운데 서게 되었다면 순종으로 계속 빛에 머물게 되는 것입니다.
- P32

성령으로 거듭난 자의 지속적인 순종이 늘 ‘새로움‘을 유지하는 비결입니다. - P32

성령님은 우리에게 새로운 비전을 주시고, 모든 일에 완벽한 생기를 유지시켜 주시며, 우리를 인도하셔서 하나님과 연결되는 완벽한 통로를 가지게 하십니다. 그러니 성도는 성령님을 소중히 여겨야 합니다. 성도가 영혼을 늘 새롭게 하는 일은 우리 안에 부어주신 하나님의 생명을 소중히 여기는 것입니다.
- P32

성령으로 거듭난다는 것은 하나님과 우리 사이에 통로가 열려 있다는 의미입니다. - P32

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