여기서 "인자 같은 이라고 번역된 아람어 표현은 "사람의 아들son of Man"로도 번역될 수 있다. 이 인물은 옛적부터 계신 하나님 앞에 선다. 그때 "인자 같은 이는 마지막 황제에게 있었던 온땅에 대한 지배권을 위임받는다. 그는 하나님의 임명에 의해 승리로 다스리는 "영원한 권세를 가진 왕이다. 다니엘 7장의 환상은 거만하게 말하는 뿔로 표현되는 역사의 마지막 시대로부터 하나님의 의해 세워지고영원한 왕국을 다스릴 "인자 같은 이에게 권세가 이양되는 전환을 묘사한다. - P87
이것과 관련해서 사해 두루마리가 특히 중요하다. 왜냐하면 사해 두루마리는 우리에게 고대 유대교의 다양한 메시아 신앙을 엿볼 수 있게해주기 때문이다. 일부 두루마리는 그러한 메시아에 대한 희망을 표현한다. 우리는 특히 쿰란에서 발견된 두 개의 두루마리인 메시아 묵시록과‘인자‘ 본문을 볼 것이다. 둘 다 메시아적 언어를 사용한다. 우리는 이 두개의 쿰란 본문을 누가복음의 예수에 대한 초상과 비교할 것이다. 쿰란두루마리와 누가복음의 예수에 대한 묘사 사이에 존재하는 놀라운 유사성은 비록 누가가 이 두개의 두루마리를 정확히 알고 있었다는 것을 증명하는것이 불가능함에도 불구하고 - P90
geographic location; rather, it could begin right where I was. God hadplaced me in a specific location at a specific time for a specific purpose.I could proclaim the gospel starting with my own city, neighborhood,and home. - P119
If I‘m being honest, I think it was easier for me to imagine sharingGod‘s love with strangers in faraway lands. I did not know them, soI did not feel as afraid of their rejection or their judgment. Being thelight of Christ in my own home, however, seemed like an almostinsurmountable task. Those closest to me have seen me at my worst;they have seen my sin and my hypocrisy. How could I witness to themof God‘s faithfulness and goodness? - P119
God showed me that I did not have to pretend to be perfect in orderto share His love with others. It was precisely because of my imper-fections and sins that I needed God‘s grace and forgiveness. - P119
6 Don‘t be alarmed," he said. "You are looking for Jesusthe Nazarene, who was crucified. He has risen! He is nothere. See the place where they laid him. - P113
What a message there is for us in this story of the women who soughtto anoint the body of Jesus! They know what needs to be done, andthey are intent on doing it. The problem is the stone. - P114
They do not havethe strength or resources to move it from the mouth of the tomb, butthey go anyway. They are more concerned about what they must dofor Jesus rather than worrying about the obstacles they will face. Whenthe women arrive, they discover that what they thought to be a majorobstacle to their mission is no longer an obstacle at all. This reminds usthat God‘s power is often revealed when we choose to live by faith andbring glory to our Lord. - P114
Alarmed and afraid trembling and bewildered: these four words de-scribe the emotions the women experience as they enter the emptytomb. They are encountering the unknown. No wonder they are expe-riencing these feelings! More than simply encountering the unknown,they are experiencing mystery the mystery of the divine. - P114
Today‘s passage is an account of the first witnesses to the resurrectionof Jesus and the conversations that took place following the discov-ery of His empty tomb. Of the many details embedded in Mark‘snarrative, commentators over the years have often focused on twoparticular words: "and Peter" (Mark 16:7). - P115
Peter was the disciple who denied personal association with Jesusat the time of His arrest and trial. Upon hearing a rooster crow andremembering Jesus‘ prediction that he would deny Him three times,Peter broke down and wept bitterly. Now, Jesus‘ followers receive theastonishing news of the empty tomb and the angel‘s charge deliveredto them through Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, andSalome: "But go, tell his disciples and Peter, ‘He is going ahead of youinto Galilee" (v. 7). Peter in particular needed to be told that Jesushad risen and that He wanted to meet with His disciples especiallywith Peter. - P115
p65위에서 5번째줄오른다는 창세기 24장까지의이 문장에서오른다는 출애굽기 24장까지의아닌가요?
판ㄴ단했다. 오타겠죠?p55 맨아래줄