37Jesus said, "You have now seen him; in fact, he is the one speaking with you."

38Then the man said, "Lord, I believe," and he worshiped him. - P35

Neither are we saved by those who told us about Christ. God used them as servants of the gospel, but behind every conversion story, the Spirit of Christ is at work. The Holy Spirit now lives in us who believe and confirms that it was Jesus who came and found each of us. - P36

The world is starved of acts of kindness and humility.
Ultimately, this world is starved of Christ.
We know that God‘s Word declares how He loves to give grace to the hum- - P37

We know that God‘s Word declares how He loves to give grace to the hum-ble. We should pursue humility because it ushers grace into our lives, andalso because it exudes the fragrance of Christ. Humility is Christ‘s language.
- P37

He displayed the greatest act of humility as He obeyed the Father andoffered His life on the cross. As we imitate the humility of Christ throughsimple ordinary acts like apologizing, lowering ourselves before others, orstriving to live at peace with our neighbors, we shine the extraordinary graceand mercy of God in the cities we live in and the roads we drive through. - P37

Lord, root out my pride. Remind me once more that everything I have is grace from You. And as I humble myself before You, I long to experience more of Your grace so that, in turn, I may give You all the glory. In Jesus’ name, amen. - P37

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"거듭나서 거룩하게 될 때 누구나 ‘그리스도의 남은 고난을 채우는‘ 것은 아닙니다. 오직
‘복음을 위해 따로 구별된 자‘가 그리스도의 남은 고난을 채우게 됩니다."  - P49

 그리스도를 위하여 제자의 삶을 살 때, 실제적으로 우리 삶에 찾아오는 고난입니다. 구별된 자는 주님의 고난을 마땅히 같이 당할 각오가 되어 있는 사람입니다.
- P49

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주님을 따른다고 하면서 자기의 방식을 고집합니다.
그러나 좋은 주인이 원하는 대로 행해야 합니다. "하나님께서는 자기를 기쁘시게 하기 위해 우리를 ‘찢겨진 빵과 부어지는 포도주‘(주님의 찢겨진 살과 쏟으신 피를의미)로 만드십니다."  - P48

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28Then they hurled insults at him and said, "You are this fellow’s disciple! We are disciples of Moses! - P30

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First, the Bible describes God as the center of all things. Second, our God is always good. - P24

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