Pain and suffering are never easy, but God uses these things to shape andgrow our faith in Him. What we need to do is trust in Him. And whenwe find ourselves struggling to do so, we can pray, "Help me overcome myunbelief" (Mark 9:24). - P56

was a word from Jesus. But Jesus‘ timing works according to God‘s gloryrather than human expectations. When we are suffering, we often wonderwhy God takes so long to deliver us. But God already sees the end fromthe beginning. His plans for our lives are designed for His glory and ourgreatest good - P56

Just like Mary, we are able to glorify Jesus in our acts of service. We can participate in building up His kingdom and fulfilling the plan of God. May we do so with the same kind of devotion and zeal that Mary had in honoring Christ. - P74

Because of the resurrection of Lazarus, many people believe in Jesus. They see Him as a miracle worker, but the religious leaders view Lazarus and Jesus as threats to their power. - P74

With the help of the Holy Spirit, our words and actions can reflect the love and character of Jesus and inspire hearts to turn toward Him. - P74

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요나단이라고 왜 야심이 없고 질투심이 없었겠는가. 그러나 하나님의 선택이 다윗에게 있음을 확인한 순간, 요나단은 그 모든 것을 초월하여 다윗을 축복했다. 그는 결코 피할 수 없는 하나님의 섭리와 싸우지 않았다. 이것이 아버지 사울과 아들 요나단의 다른 점이다.  - P74

또한 우리가 누군가에게 그런 존재가 될 수도 있다. 우리는 모두 연약하여 지쳐 쓰러질 때가 있다. 그때 우리는 서로에게 하나님의 위로가 되어주어야 한다. 하나님은 우리가 곤고한 자를 위로하는 도구가 되기를 원하신다.
혹시 지금 기도하는 가운데 하나님이 떠올려주시는 누군가가 있다면 주저말고 그 사람에게 연락하여 안부를 묻고, 기도해주고 격려해주기 바란다.
어렵고 힘든 때일수록, 내 코가 석 자일수록, 우리는 나보다 더 힘든 형제를생각해야 한다. - P75

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11After he had said this, he went on to tell them, "Our friend Lazarus has fallen asleep; but I am going there to wake him up." - P55

Jesus’ timing works according to God’s glory rather than human expectations.  - P56

God already sees the end from the beginning. His plans for our lives are designed for His glory and our greatest good. - P56

Pain and suffering are never easy, but God uses these things to shape andgrow our faith in Him. What we need to do is trust in Him. And whenwe find ourselves struggling to do so, we can pray, "Help me overcome myunbelief" (Mark 9:24). - P56

Trials are never easy, but I pray that through them, I will learn to trust You more, knowing You have my best interests in mind. In Jesus’ name, amen. - P56

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그렇다면 거룩은 "하나님의 관점을 향한 집중을 의미합니다."  우리 삶에서 거룩을 위해 마땅히 치러야 하는 대가를 지불한다면, 주님과 함께 한가한 시간을보낼 수 있습니다. 이 시간은 가장 적극적으로 우리 삶을 거룩하게 만드는 시간입니다. 챔버스가 강조하는 ‘친밀한 관계‘가 핵심입니다.
거룩해지는 것은 하나님을 향한 우리의 관심을 무한히 넓혀나가는 것입니다. - P54

"성령의 역사에서 가장 뚜렷하고 유일한 특징은 우리를 예수 그리스도와 닮게 만들면서 예수님과 관계없는 모든 것으로부터 자유하게 하신다는 점입니다." 진정한 거룩은 예수님과 관계없는 모든 것에서 자유로워지고, 예수님의 성품이 나타나는 것입니다. - P54

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이는 그리스도 안에 있는 우리는 매일 평범한 일상 가운데서 하나님의 영광을 마주하기 때문에 더 이상 그 영광을 마주하려고 높은 산에 올라갈 필요가 없음을 의미합니다. 우리는 그리스도 안에서 삶을 살아갈 때 하나님의 영광을 반사하게 됩니다. 그리고하나님의 영광을 반사할 때 하나님의 영광이 반사되는 것을보게 됩니다. 또한 반사된 영광을 보면서 그 영광을 더욱 반사하는 과정을 통해서 영광에서 영광으로, 점점 더 큰 영광을 향해갑니다. - P227

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