Pain and suffering are never easy, but God uses these things to shape andgrow our faith in Him. What we need to do is trust in Him. And whenwe find ourselves struggling to do so, we can pray, "Help me overcome myunbelief" (Mark 9:24). - P56
was a word from Jesus. But Jesus‘ timing works according to God‘s gloryrather than human expectations. When we are suffering, we often wonderwhy God takes so long to deliver us. But God already sees the end fromthe beginning. His plans for our lives are designed for His glory and ourgreatest good - P56
Just like Mary, we are able to glorify Jesus in our acts of service. We can participate in building up His kingdom and fulfilling the plan of God. May we do so with the same kind of devotion and zeal that Mary had in honoring Christ. - P74
Because of the resurrection of Lazarus, many people believe in Jesus. They see Him as a miracle worker, but the religious leaders view Lazarus and Jesus as threats to their power. - P74
With the help of the Holy Spirit, our words and actions can reflect the love and character of Jesus and inspire hearts to turn toward Him. - P74