구원이란우리가 어떤 곳까지 이끌려 그곳에서 주 예수 그리스도의 권세로 인해 하나님께로부터 ‘죄 사함 받는 것입니다." 구원의 단계 중 눈을 뜨는 단계에서는 새로운삶을 살겠다는 의지가 생깁니다. 그러나 그것이 구원은 아닙니다. 진정한 구원은그리스도로 말미암아 ‘죄 사함‘을 받았다는 확신에서 일어납니다. ‘구원을 받는것‘과 ‘마음의 결심‘은 다른 차원의 문제입니다.  - P22

우리 역시 신앙생활을 하며 얼마든지 주님의 도우심을 받을 수 있으나 그 자체가 구원은 아닙니다. 이는 단지 눈이 열린 경험일 뿐입니다.
한줄노트 눈이 열려 ‘결심‘했다면 이제 진정한 ‘거듭남‘의 은혜를 경험할 때입니다. - P22

"은혜의 두 번째 위대한 역사는 ‘거룩하게 된 자 가운데 임하는 기업입니다. 거듭난 영혼은 성화 과정을 겪으며 자신에 대한 권리를 신중히 예수 그리스도께 양도합니다. 아울러 타인에 대한 하나님의 관심을 자신의 관심과 완전히 일치시킵니다. - P22

"사람이 거듭나는 것은 자신이 결단했기 때문이 아니라 전능하신 하나님께로부터 뭔가를 선물로 받았기 때문입니다.  - P22

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John understands that he must decrease while Jesus must increase. This is a lesson for all of us: life and ministry are not about us but about pointing others to Christ and magnifying Him. - P62

Think about ways you can deflect the glory from yourself to Jesus. - P62

Help me to fully trust You in every area of my life and to reflect the eternal life You have given me in my thoughts, words, actions, and relationships. In Your name, amen. - P63

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예수님께서 다시 오실 그때까지 우리는 성령이 거룩하게 하시는 강한 역사 가운데 하나님에 의해 보호를받아야 합니다. 그래야 우리의 영과 혼과 육이 하나님이 보시기에 흠 없이 정결하게 유지될수 있습니다. - P21

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16For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

17For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.

- P56

Jesus Christ is the essence of the gospel, and with the help of the Holy Spirit, we are able to see and understand this good news. Salvation is initiated by God, and we need only to respond and yield to the work of His Spirit.
- P58

 We are free fromthe darkness in the world because we are focused on the light and love ofChrist. - P59

Dear heavenly Father, thank you for the revolutionary love You have shown theworld through Your Son, Jesus Christ.  - P59

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"주님은 어느 곳에서도 모든 것을 버리기 위해 포기하라고 말씀하지 않으십니다. 가장 가치 있는 단한 가지, 곧 주님과 함께하는 삶을 위해 모든 것을 포기하라는 것입니다." 나의가장 소중한 것을 포기해 하나님께 드릴 때, 하나님은 결코 그것을 무용하게 하시거나 버리지 않으시고 도리어 후하게 넘치도록 돌려주시는 분입니다. - P20

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