18 While they were reclining at the table eating, he said, "Truly I tell you, one of you will betray me-one whois eating with me." - P71
the disciples will commune with Jesus and partake of a mealthat includes the Passover lamb, which Jesus Himself will represent inHis imminent sacrificial death. - P72
The disciples follow Jesus‘ guidance andexperience a time of fellowship with the Lord. We, too, can communewith God in times of grace that He has prepared for each of us as wecontinue to keep our eyes, ears, and hearts open to His lead. - P72
In such times, it is crucial thatwe follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit, allowing Him to draw uscloser to Jesus. By doing so, we can navigate these trials with steadfastdevotion and unwavering faith. - P72
"We may think we are centering our lives on God when we are really makingHim a means to self-esteem."- John Piper - P72
One of the remarkable aspects of Jesus‘ character is His unwaveringtrust in the love and care of His Father. Time and time again, Jesusurged His followers to find solace in God‘s love and care. He drewattention to the wonders of creation, highlighting how God meticu-lously tends to every aspect of our needs. - P73
The doctrine of providenceteaches us that God not only created the world but also oversees everyminute detail of His creation. He is in complete control. Moreover, He loves us deeply and understands our every need. - P73
In times of uncertainty and hardship, it is crucial to anchor ourselvesin the assurance of God‘s providence. Rather than succumbingdespair, we can find comfort in the knowledge that God is watchingover us and orchestrating events according to His divine plan, - P73
Byplacing our trust in Him, we can navigate life‘s challenges with a senseof peace and confidence. Trusting in God‘s providence does not meanthat we will be exempt from difficulties or trials. However, it doesmean that we can face them with the knowledge that God is with usevery step of the way. - P73
Heavenly Father, may Your Spirit draw me close to the cross of Christ so that Ican lead a life that is completely surrendered to Your will. In Jesus‘ name, amen. - P73
21 The Son of Man will go just as it is written abouthim. But woe to that man who betrays the Son of Man! It would be better for him if he had not been born." - P71