It is easierthan we think to act in self-interest and sacrifice our integrity in order topreserve our place, position, or status. But when we do that, we followthe dictates of sin instead of the example of Jesus. - P98
Dear Jesus, help us never to be blinded by wrong desires. Renew our hearts topursue godly desires and teach us to ask for good things from our good Father. InYour name, amen. - P99
Jesus is taken to the Praetorium. The soldiers dress Him in a purple robe, puta crown of thorns on Him, and mock and beat Him. After this, they put Hisclothes on Him again. As Jesus is taken to the site of His crucifixion, the soldiersforce Simon from Cyrene to carry the cross. - P101
20 And when they had mocked him, they took off thepurple robe and put his own clothes on him. Then theyled him out to crucify him. - P101
Sometimes unexpected events bring unwanted responsibilities. Simonfrom Cyrene is, in the words of this passage, just "passing by" (v. 21), but he is forced to carry Jesus‘ cross. Simon did what he was com-manded, but he probably did not expect that this painful momentwould change his life and the lives of his family members. It is not acoincidence that Mark mentions Simon‘s children, Alexander and Ru-fus. They are likely a part of the early community of believers, whoknown figures to the audience of Mark‘s Gospel. - P102
Their father, Simon, was an unexpected participant in a pivotal moment as he carried theheavy wooden cross on the road to Golgotha, but this unanticipatedchallenge was able to bear fruit in God‘s kingdom. - P102