9 She pleased him and won his favor. Immediately heprovided her with her beauty treatments and specialfood. He assigned to her seven female attendants se-lected from the king‘s palace and moved her and herattendants into the best place in the harem. - P75
10 Esther had not revealed her nationality and familybackground, because Mordecai had forbidden her to do so. - P75
The more pow-er and authority we have, the less likely it will be for others to restrainus, and so we must be more vigilant about exercising self-control. - P76
If we act when we are angry, we are likely to say words or do things thatwill dishonor the Lord. Having people around us who can hold usaccountable can be very helpful as we seek to act with decency in times of upheaval. - P76
Our circumstances are part of God‘story of trasformation. - P76
God‘s plan for us far outweighs whatever might seem to put us at a disadvantage, and His purposes for us will be accomplishedregardless of our setbacks. - P76
Through our position in Jesus Christ, we areguaranteed the eternal favor of God. - P76
"By withdrawing from what seems most pressing in the moment, we gain thespace needed to attend to what matters for eternity." - Jeffrey Bilbro - P76
Many people tend to associate God‘s work and power with spectacular breakthroughs. But God is always at work even in seemingly ordinary. Even when things seem to go against our expectations, He is still in control - P77
God is at work even in contexts where people deny Himor are even opposed to His kingdom agenda. As Paul writes: "And weknow that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose" (Rom. 8:28). - P77
The problem is not whether God is at work but whether we know that He is indeed at work. - P77
Heavenly Father, thank you for Your unfailing love that upholds me even in themost trying moments. My life is in Your hand. - P77