19Jesus answered them, "Destroy this temple, and I will raise it again in three days." - P49

Let us examine our hearts and see if we have in any way fallen into false zeal. - P50

He became the new temple, allowing all who are in Him to experience the presence of God and to worship without hindrance. Through the body of Christ, a completely new and perfect way of worship was made possible.  - P50

These experiences taught me that, in order to keep a house clear of bugs,
we must first eliminate what attracts them. Simply cleaning the surface isn‘tenough. In the same way, we need to first examine our hearts and removeanything that distracts us from God, making space for Jesus to dwell in usbefore we can offer ourselves as a holy and pleasing sacrifice to God. Firstthings first: when our hearts have been cleansed of idolatry then we canbuild our worship in a way that truly honors God. - P51

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