26 He did evil in the eyes of the LORD, following theways of his father and committing the same sin hisfather had caused Israel to commit. 27 Baasha son of Ahijah from the tribe of Issachar plot-ted against him, and he struck him down at Gibbethon, a Philistine town, while Nadab and all Israel were be-sieging it. - P68
This tragic narrative underscores the repercussions of ouractions, emphasizing the importance of godly living because our choiceshave consequences beyond our lifetime. This message may seem severe, but there is also hope. Each day offers a chance to live a godly life, andwhen we falter or fail, we also have the opportunity to repent and returnto God. - P70
Each day offers a chance to live a godly life, andwhen we falter or fail, we also have the opportunity to repent and returnto God. - P70
Baasha‘s first actions as Judah‘s new king are ruthless; he destroys Je-roboam‘s entire family. This annihilation is according to the word ofGod, and although it may seem brutal, we need to remember that thisall happened because of the sins that Jeroboam himself had committedand because he influenced all of the people of Israel to sin against God. - P70
The Lord is a God of justice, and so He will not allow suchgravesinsto continue forever. God had given Jeroboam opportunities to repent, but he persisted in his sinful rule and reaped the consequences of hisactions. May we recognize the danger of choosing to remain in sin andexhort others to recognize it as well. - P70
3 Şo I am about to wipe out Baasha and his house, andI will make your house like that of Jeroboam son ofNebat. - P75
12 So Zimri destroyed the whole family of Baasha, inaccordance with the word of the LORD spoken againstBaasha through the prophet Jehu- - P77