14 Although he did not remove the high places, Asa‘sheart was fully committed to the LORD all his life. - P63
His zealous devotion mirrors thatof his ancestor, David, as he decisively removes idols and even deposeshis grandmother from her position as queen mother because of heridolatrous behavion - P66
The account of Asa‘s radical actions leads us toexamine ourselves, repent of any practices that dishonor the Lord, andradically remove all idols from our lives. Asa‘s example also challengesus to be intentional about aligning our decisions with God‘s will, andinspires us to cultivate a heart that is wholeheartedly devoted to Him. - P66
Whilethe circumstances of our personal and professional networks may notbe as extreme as impending war, we should still seek God‘s wisdom andrely on Him more than on our own strategies. - P66
We should consider thespiritual impact of our choices, ensuring that they honor the Lord andalign with His principles. Moreover, when relationships are strained, we can employ prayer, patience, and grace to foster understanding andreach a godly resolution. - P66
One of those is King Asa. A series of spiritual reforms takeplace under his rule. Asa not only removes prostitutes, gets rid of allthe idols, and deposes his idol-worshiping grandmother, but he alsoreinstates what is good by bringing silver, gold, and other articles backinto the house of the Lord. - P67
Asa‘s life reminds us that we can easily drift away from the Lord, es-pecially in times of trouble and affliction, if we neglect to rememberthe trustworthiness of God. Let us examine our hearts today andreflect on areas of our lives in which we are not relying on the Lord. In times of trouble, we should consider who or what we are puttingour trust and hope in. And if we are trusting in something or someoneother than God, how open are we to correction? - P67
May we rememberto continually place our hope in the God who has demonstrated Hisunending love and faithfulness to us. - P67
Dear God, grant me the courage and wisdom to make decisions that honorYou. May my actions be aligned with Your will and my relationships reflectYour grace. In Jesus‘ name, amen. - P67