19 So Israel has been in rebellion against the house ofDavid to this day, - P27
The conducts of Solomon and Rehoboam demonstrate the result of sinrather than the actions of godly leaders who recognize the wants andneeds of the people they serve. - P28
They completely reject any ruler fromDavid‘s lineage and decide that Jeroboam should be their new king. Rehoboam flees, barely making it to Jerusalem. While Solomon andRehoboam‘s actions have had severe repercussions, we see that David‘sleadership has also had lasting effects. - P28
We can follow David‘s exampleand remain faithful in all situations knowing that our continued faith-fulness can result in blessings for the future. - P28
Now, when I find myself wanting to complain, I remember this timeand try to respond with prayer rather than criticism. Most commonly, my prayer is that I will see the person from God‘s perspective, and thisleads me to pray with greater love and compassion. - P29