And these nations are worthy of judgment since they have committedatrocities such as enslaving children and stealing holy treasure from thetemple. But another key element in God‘s ruling is His jealousy for Hispeople. - P144
Even though they deserve punishment, God always seeks torestore His people. The Lord is like a father who disciplines his childrenbut also fiercely protect them, even when the child‘s own doing putshim or her in danger. Praise the Lord that His relentless love is a shieldto those who know Him! - P144
Verse 13 paints a vivid picture of the price that must be paid for humanwickedness and points to the eternal punishment that awaits those whorefuse God‘s offer of salvation. This sharp contrast with Joel 2:24 makesit clear: those who rest in God will forever find peace, but those whofight against Him will never know rest. - P144
Let us exhort those around uswho do not know the Lord to cry out to Him in repentance. And letus continue to ask God to search our hearts for any hint of rebellionagainst Him. - P144