Jesus notices the posture of this man‘s heart andmeets him where he is, seeking to draw him to Himself. When we cometo God, even with our doubts and questions, He knows where ourhearts are. - P46
And if our hearts truly desire Him, then He meets us wherewe are, for He never turns away those who come to Him (John 6:37). Let us go to Him honestly and confidently. - P46
"The central basis of Christian assurance is not how much our hearts are set onGod, but how unshakably his heart is set on us." -Tim Keller - P46
Our God is the spotter of our faith. He has given us the ultimateconfidence to hold on to in our times of failure: the righteousness ofJesus Christ. And not only that; He beckons our hearts to desire anever greater measure of Him. - P47
And if any error be found in our ways, the spotter of our faith does not let us alone; He is committed to dis-ciplining His children so that we may be stretched and strengthenedin new and greater ways. - P47