Perhaps we struggle to be open about our faithin our workplace and among our friends, for fear of losing a part of ourlives that we have grown used to. May God remind us that before weare anything else, we are His. - P92
Each day, we are facedwith critical moments in which our faith and character are tested. Someof them are small, like whether to engage in gossip. Some of them are weightier, like whether to marry an unbeliever. - P92
We face many decisions in our lives. Many times, God guides ourchoices with the wisdom of Spirit-filled, Word-grounded peoplearound us, as Mordecai did for Esther. - P93
God does not need us to do His kingdom work, just as He did not need Esther to savethe Jews. But He grants us the opportunity to participate. Let us avail ourselves of this grace. - P93