전출처 : 세실 > [퍼온글] 칼데콧 명예상 수상작
칼데콧 상이란?
19세기 후반에 활약한 근대 그림책의 아버지로 불리는 영국의 그림책 작가 랜돌프 칼데콧을 기념하기 위해 1938년 제정된 그림책 상이다. 미국 도서관 협회가 주관하며 미국에서 출간된 전년도 그림책 가운데 가장 뛰어난 작품을 그린 화가에게 수여한다. 칼데콧 상은 매년 한 권의 그림책에 주는 최우수상이며 칼데콧 명예상은 1~5권의 그림책에 주는 우수상이다.
그림 자체의 예술적 측면 뿐 아니라 이야기와 주제를 그림을 통해 효과적으로 표현하는 방식 등을 고려하여 최고 점수를 얻은 작품을 수상작으로 선정하게 되는데 뉴베리상와 더불어 아동문학에 있어서 최고의 영예로 그 권위를 인정받고 있다.
칼데콧 명예상 수상작
1938 Four and Twenty Blackbirds / Seven Simeons: A Russian Tale
1939 Andy and the Lion
/ Barkis / The Forest Pool / Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs / Wee Gillis
1940 Cock-a-Doodle Doo /
Madeline / The Ageless Story
1941 April's Kittens![](http://image.aladin.co.kr/coveretc/book/coversum/9788972594789.jpg)
1942 An American ABC / In My Mother's House / Paddle-To-The-Sea / Nothing At All
1943 Dash and Dart / Marshmallow
1944 Small Rain: Verses From The Bible / Pierre Pidgeon / The Mighty Hunter / A Child's Good Night Book
/ Good-Luck Horse
1945 Mother Goose/ In the Forest
/ Yonie Wondernose / The Christmas Anna Angel
1946 Little Lost Lamb/ Sing Mother Goose/ My Mother is the Most Beautiful Woman in the World/ You Can Write Chinese
1947Rain Drop Splash / Timothy Turtle / Boats on the River/ Pedro, the Angel of Olvera Street / Sing in Praise: A Collection of the Best Loved Hymns
Stone Soup / McElligot's Pool / Bambino the Clown / Roger and the Fox/ Song of Robin Hood
1949 Blueberries for Sal /
All Around the Town / Juanita / Fish in the Air
1950 America's Ethan Allen / The Wild Birthday Cake /The Happy Day / Bartholomew and the Oobleck / Henry Fisherman ![](http://image.aladin.co.kr/product/30/41/coversum/0064431916_1.jpg)
1951 Dick Whittington and his Cat / The Two Reds/ If I Ran the Zoo / The Most Wonderful Doll in the World / T-Bone, the Baby Sitter
1952 Mr. T. W. Anthony Woo / Skipper John's Cook / All Falling Down/ Bear Party / Feather Mountain
1953 Puss in Boots/ One Morning in Maine
/ Ape in a Cape: An Alphabet of Odd Animals
/ The Storm Book
1954 Journey Cake, Ho! / When Will the World Be Mine?/ The Steadfast Tin Soldier/ A Very Special House / Green Eyes
1955 Book of Nursery and Mother Goose Rhymes/ Wheel On The Chimney/ The Thanksgiving Story
1956 Play With Me / Crow Boy
1957 Mr. Penny's Race Horse / 1 is One / Anatole / Lion/ Gillespie and the Guards
1958 Fly High, Fly Low / Anatole and the Cat
1959 The House that Jack Built: La Maison Que Jacques A Batie/ What Do You Say, Dear?/ Umbrella![](http://image.aladin.co.kr/product/29/26/coversum/898394160X_1.jpg)
1960 The Moon Jumpers / Houses from the Sea
1961 Inch by Inch![](http://image.aladin.co.kr/product/44/55/coversum/897057686X_1.jpg)
1962 Fox Went out on a Chilly Night: An Old Song/ Little Bear's Visit / The Day We Saw the Sun Come Up
1963 The Sun is a Golden Earring / Mr. Rabbit and the Lovely Present![](http://image.aladin.co.kr/product/22/69/coversum/8943301073_1.jpg)
1964 Swimmy
/ All in the Morning Early/ Mother Goose and Nursery Rhymes
1965 Rain Makes Applesauce/ The Wave /
A Pocketful of Cricket
1966 Hide and Seek Fog / Just Me
/ Tom Tit Tot
1967 One Wide River to Cross![](http://image.aladin.co.kr/product/29/80/coversum/0316234451_1.jpg)
1968 Frederick/ Seashore Story /The Emperor and the Kite![](http://image.aladin.co.kr/product/22/20/coversum/8952701933_1.jpg)
1969 Why the Sun and the Moon Live in the Sky
1970 Goggles!
/ Pop Corn & Ma Goodness /
Thy Friend, Obadiah / The Judge: An Untrue Tale![](http://image.aladin.co.kr/product/47/42/coversum/8952724828_1.jpg)
1971 The Angry Moon / Frog and Toad are Friends
/ In the Night Kitchen ![](http://image.aladin.co.kr/product/2/54/coversum/897259072X_1.jpg)
1972 Hildilid's Night
/ If All the Seas Were One Sea / Moja Means One: Swahili Counting Book![](http://image.aladin.co.kr/coveretc/book/coversum/8970941800_1.jpg)
1973 Anansi the Spider: A Tale from the Ashanti
/ Hosie's Alphabet/ Snow-White and the Seven Dwarfs
/ When Clay Sings
1974 Three Jovial Huntsmen / Cathedral![](http://image.aladin.co.kr/product/45/5/coversum/8935655708_1.jpg)
1975 Jambo Means Hello: A Swahili Alphabet Book
1976 The Desert is Theirs / Strega Nona ![](http://image.aladin.co.kr/product/56/39/coversum/0698118146_1.jpg)
1977 The Amazing Bone
/ The Contest / Fish for Supper / The Golem: A Jewish Legend / Hawk, I'm Your Brother
1978 Castle
/ It Could Always Be Worse
1979 Freight Train
/ The Way to Start a Day
1980 Ben's Trumpet / The Garden Of Abdul Gasazi ![](http://image.aladin.co.kr/product/38/55/coversum/8984881872_1.jpg)
1981 The Bremen-Town Musicians/ The Grey Lady and the Strawberry Snatcher / Mice Twice / Truck![](http://image.aladin.co.kr/product/15/16/coversum/8972593028_1.jpg)
1982 Where the Buffaloes Begin /
On Market Street
/ Outside Over There / A Visit to William Blake's Inn: Poems for Innocent and Experienced Travelers
1983 A Chair for My Mother / When I Was Young in the Mountains![](http://image.aladin.co.kr/product/59/11/coversum/8990396093_1.jpg)
1984 Little Red Riding Hood /
Ten, Nine, Eight
1985 Hansel and Gretel / Have You Seen My Duckling?
/ The Story of Jumping Mouse: A Native American Legend
1986 The Relatives Came / King Bidgood's in the Bathtub![](http://image.aladin.co.kr/product/42/61/coversum/8943305109_1.jpg)
1987 The Village of Round and Square Houses / Alphabatics![](http://image.aladin.co.kr/product/33/16/coversum/8956060002_1.jpg)
/ Rumpelstiltskin
1988 Mufaro's Beautiful Daughters: An African Tale
1989 The Boy of the Three-Year Nap / Free Fall / Goldilocks and the Three Bears
/ Mirandy and Brother Wind![](http://image.aladin.co.kr/coveretc/book/coversum/8990396034_1.jpg)
1990 Bill Peet: An Autobiography /
Color Zoo / The Talking Eggs: A Folktale from the American South/ Hershel and the Hanukkah Goblins
1991 Puss in Boots / "More More More," Said the Baby: Three Love Stories ![](http://image.aladin.co.kr/product/58/75/coversum/8990396085_1.jpg)
1992 Tar Beach
1993 The Stinky Cheese Man and Other Fairly Stupid Tales / Seven Blind Mice
/ Working Cotton
1994 Peppe the Lamplighter / In the Small, Small Pond
/ Raven: A Trickster Tale from the Pacific Northwest / Owen
/ Yo! Yes?![](http://image.aladin.co.kr/product/59/31/coversum/8990396107_1.jpg)
1995 John Henry / Swamp Angel
/ Time Flies ![](http://image.aladin.co.kr/product/30/4/coversum/8983941626_1.jpg)
1996 Alphabet City
/ Zin! Zin! Zin! a Violin
/ The Faithful Friend / Tops & Bottoms
1997 Hush! A Thai Lullaby /The Graphic Alphabet / The Paperboy / Starry Messenger ![](http://image.aladin.co.kr/product/20/25/coversum/8952701062_1.jpg)
1998 The Gardener
/ Harlem / There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly ![](http://image.aladin.co.kr/product/24/21/coversum/898488006X_1.jpg)
1999 Duke Ellington:
The Piano Prince and the Orchestra / No, David! / Snow
/ Tibet Through the Red Box
2000 A Child's Calendar / Sector 7 / When Sophie Gets Angry-Really, Really Angry
/ The Ugly Duckling ![](http://image.aladin.co.kr/product/36/87/coversum/894511887X_1.jpg)
2001 Casey at the Bat / Click, Clack, Moo: Cows that Type
/ Olivia![](http://image.aladin.co.kr/product/27/34/coversum/8945117901_1.jpg)
2002 The Dinosaurs of Waterhouse Hawkins / Martin's Big Words: the Life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. / The Stray Dog ![](http://image.aladin.co.kr/product/38/74/coversum/8989773148_1.jpg)
2003 The Spider and the Fly ![](http://image.aladin.co.kr/product/52/64/coversum/8990396042_1.jpg)
/ Hondo & Fabian / Noah's Ark
2004 Ella Sarah Gets Dressed ![](http://image.aladin.co.kr/product/54/9/coversum/8984883247_1.jpg)
/ What Do You Do with a Tail Like This?/ Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus ![](http://image.aladin.co.kr/product/50/14/coversum/078681988X_1.jpg)
2005 The Red Book / Coming on Home Soon / Knuffle Bunny: A Cautionary Tale