Ballenas Asesinas/Killer Whales (Paperback) - Killer Whales
Simon, Seymour / Chronicle Books Llc / 2006년 7월
평점 :

 This story is about Killer whales.

 Killer whale is big and fast.The male whales are bigger than elephants and as fast as sharks.

 Killer whales are hunters.But they don't attack people. Killer whales eat mainly fish, seal, squid, dolphins, and penguins.They also eat other kinds of whales.

 Many people call Killer whales 'an orca'. Most, they live in the North or South pole.

 An orca look like abig fish. But it isn't a fish. It doesn't have gills,Instead it breathes through a blowhole. And it has lungs.

 In dark waters, orcas make specialclicking sounds.Then they listen to the way the sounds echo back. So the orcas know what is arounnd them.


After read this book, I think about Killer whale(orca) slightly scare.

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