박연준 지음 / 북노마드 / 2014년 10월
평점 :

눈앞에 있는 것은 겨울 바다 한 장이니까. 바다 위에 글을쓰려면 손가락들의 멀미를 각오해야 한다. 조금 천천히 써야할 것이다.
봄 바다, 여름 바다, 가을 바다가 실컷 뒤척이고 일어서고달리고 사랑하다 몸 벗어놓고 어딘가로 사라졌을 때,
그 벗어놓은 껍질이 겨울 바다다. 저 일렁이는 껍질,
큰 핀셋으로 들어올리려 해도 여간해서는 걷어낼 수 없는커다란 껍질! 시무룩한 표정으로 일렁이는 겨울 바다는얼마나 캄캄한가, 겨울 바다는 껍질로 출렁이는 밤이다.
겨울 바다는 쓸쓸해 보인다. 지난 기억을 품고,
이제 스스로 한껏 늙어 지혜로워진 바다다. 여러 날에 걸쳐견고하게 늙어가는 겨울 바다, 흰 수염에는 태양의 나이테가그려져 있다. 바다는 지금보다 더 추운 날을 견디기 위해잠잠해지기도 하는데, 어쩌면 잠깐씩 죽어 있는지도 모른다. - P55

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Understanding Emotions

According to scientific findings, all thoughtsin the mind‘s memory bank under a filing systemare filetbased upon the associated feeling and its finer grada-tions (Gray-LaViolette, 1982). They are filed accordingto feeling tone, not fact. Consequently, there is a sci-entific basis for the observation that self-awareness isincreased much more rapidly by observing feelingsrather than thoughts. The thoughts associated witheven one feeling may literally run into the thousands.
The understanding of the underlying emotion and itscorrect handling is, therefore, more rewarding and lesstime-consuming than dealing with one‘s thoughts.
In the beginning, if one is unfamiliar with thewhole subject of feelings, it is often advisable to beginmerely by observing them without any intention ofdoing anything about them. In this way, some clarifi-cation will occur about the relationship between feelings and thoughts. - P34

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will suddenly be taken away in the middleof the night. You may worry that you are in the wrongroom. The wrong bed. The wrong life. That life out-side is rolling right along without you (it is). That youare not wanted (you are wanted). That you are notwell (you are not well). That you are not missed (butyou are, more than you will ever know).
AS THE DAYS slip by you will begin to forget moreand more. Your terrible childhood during the war.
All the beautiful gardens of Kyoto. The smell of rainin April. What you just ate for breakfast. Cream ofWheat, with sausage links and toast. The car accident,
forty-threehus-e years ago, that killed your favorite cousin,
Roy. You will forget the day you first met yourband. - P129

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The Swimmers (Paperback)
Julie Otsuka / Anchor Books / 2023년 1월
평점 :

She remembers her name. She remembers thename of the president. She remembers the nameof the president‘s dog. She remembers what town shelives in. And on which street. And in which house. Theone with the big olive tree where the road takes a turn.
is. She remembers theShe remembers what yearseason. She remembers the day on which you wereborn. She remembers the daughter who was bornbefore you-She had your father‘s nose, that was the firstthing I noticed about her-but she does not rememberthat daughter‘s name. She remembers the name of theman she did not marry-Frank-and she keeps hisletters in a drawer by her bed. She remembers thatyou once had a husband, but she refuses to rememberyour ex-husband‘s name. That man, she calls him.
p.77 <—> p. 95

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The Swimmers (Paperback)
Julie Otsuka / Anchor Books / 2023년 1월
평점 :

She remembers that she was once a very good swimmer. She remembers failing her last driver’s test three times in a row. She remembers that the day after her father left them her mother sprinkled little piles of salt in the corner of every room to purify the house. She remembers that they never spoke of him.

She does not remember asking your father, when he comes home from the pharmacy, what took him so long, or who he talked to, or whether or not the pharmacist was pretty. She does not always remember his name.
p. 92

… trying to imagine the pool without us. The lifeguard’s empty chair standing tall by the bleachers. The scoreless scoreboard. The sharp chlorinated tang of the uninhaled thick wet air. The long-poled skimmer net proper up in the corner, secretly dreaming of better things — a dead leaf, a butterfly, a crocodile, a little brown bird, something, anything, besides the usual haul of rubber bands and tangled-up knots of hair.

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