Understanding Emotions
According to scientific findings, all thoughtsin the mind‘s memory bank under a filing systemare filetbased upon the associated feeling and its finer grada-tions (Gray-LaViolette, 1982). They are filed accordingto feeling tone, not fact. Consequently, there is a sci-entific basis for the observation that self-awareness isincreased much more rapidly by observing feelingsrather than thoughts. The thoughts associated witheven one feeling may literally run into the thousands.
The understanding of the underlying emotion and itscorrect handling is, therefore, more rewarding and lesstime-consuming than dealing with one‘s thoughts.
In the beginning, if one is unfamiliar with thewhole subject of feelings, it is often advisable to beginmerely by observing them without any intention ofdoing anything about them. In this way, some clarifi-cation will occur about the relationship between feelings and thoughts. - P34