The Swimmers (Paperback)
Julie Otsuka / Anchor Books / 2023년 1월
평점 :

She remembers her name. She remembers thename of the president. She remembers the nameof the president‘s dog. She remembers what town shelives in. And on which street. And in which house. Theone with the big olive tree where the road takes a turn.
is. She remembers theShe remembers what yearseason. She remembers the day on which you wereborn. She remembers the daughter who was bornbefore you-She had your father‘s nose, that was the firstthing I noticed about her-but she does not rememberthat daughter‘s name. She remembers the name of theman she did not marry-Frank-and she keeps hisletters in a drawer by her bed. She remembers thatyou once had a husband, but she refuses to rememberyour ex-husband‘s name. That man, she calls him.
p.77 <—> p. 95

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