종이 여자
기욤 뮈소 지음, 전미연 옮김 / 밝은세상 / 2010년 12월
평점 :
“In a book. Your book. Then where?”
About ‘Billy’. Guillaume Musso’s [Le fille de papier]
This is short and impact words what a surprise girl ‘Billy’ said. Billy is not a man, Billy is a girl. Not a dog and not a real human.
Then you will wonder who that girl is. And why writer mentioned this mystery girl a lot.
Billy is not a starring girl, not a special girl. I think. She is just ordinary girl in other world. World means ‘world of book’. She appeared suddenly at night. First, I and starring man, ‘Milo’ felt nervous. Little scared, little surprised. When Milo saw Billy, She didn’t wear anything but she had a very dignified attitude. She didn’t look like confusing. Now I think that was a big hint. No, I can’t talk now. If I say, that’ll be a huge spoiler. No, this column has to be end. Because I won’t have any interesting story about ‘Billy’! This end story is very important. Think and think readers! I said, ‘HINT’! KEY!
After-Milo understand situation (Billy is just ‘paper girl who was thrown out by his book) - Milo who was grieved at broken love was getting known about true love and himself with Billy. Well, I think this is clear story. Love and precepts. But that was not ALL. About 9 months later, his friend told secret to him. “…Billy is real. I mean, not a real Billy……”
Yeah, Billy was real girl, but not a BILLY. She was like an actress hired by Milo’s friend.
I was surprised and Milo upset to his friend. How could be happen like that? This is the most important part, I think.
Milo found Billy-actually ‘Lilly’- but he couldn’t go back to Lilly. She was a student and she looked so happy. Instead, He wrote a book about Milo and Billy. In this part I got a huge impressed.
How romantic and sensitive!
As expected, Lilly found that book and went back to Milo. They go back to 1 year ago. Milo and Billy. I think they will be have a brilliant time. Until now. And forever.
4th July 2011