5) Dividend payout ratio: 배당성향
기업의 수입에서 차지하는 배당금의 비율이다. 회사가 순이익으로 주당 1달러를 벌고 주당 0.50달러의 배당금을 지급한다면 배당성향은 50%인데, 일반적으로 배당성향이 낮을수록 배당이 지속 가능하고, 인상을 할 수 있는 여력이 크다. 미국시장의 평균 배당성향은 30~40%으로 자세한 식은 다음과 같다. - <매주 달러 받는 배당주 통장>, 장우석 - 밀리의 서재
https://www.millie.co.kr/v3/bookDetail/cc51b00157c44057 - P55

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"Let’s just say I’d been on many, many bad dates by the time The Late Bloomer came across my desk. I’m a romantic person, but sometimes these don’t seem like romantic times to me. The Late Bloomer is a book about the possibility of finding great love at any age. Sounds cliché, I know." - P99

She stirs the harpoon around the tomato juice-tinted waters of her Queequeg, trying to recapture a shrimp that’s gone AWOL. - P99

"Hey A.J.," she calls. "There’s something kind of heroic about being a bookseller, and there’s also something kind of heroic about adopting a child." - P101

"My friends call me Amy," she says. - P101

None with sales reps I like as well as you is his first draft, but he decides this is too presumptuous for a girl with an American hero fiancé. He redrafts. It’s a compelling list for Knightley, I guess. - P102

Not for me, unfortunately, A.J. replies. Looking forward to seeing what’s on Knightley’s summer list. Yours, A.J. - P103

Amelia fancies herself a Sookie Stackhouse type. - P103

Lambiase hosts his Chief’s Choice Book Club at the store that night (selection: L.A. Confidential), and after that, as is their tradition, he and A.J. share a bottle. - P104

"Bad timing," Lambiase proclaims. "I’ve been a police officer for twenty years now and I’ll tell you, pretty much every bad thing in life is a result of bad timing, and every good thing is the result of good timing." - P104

"Think about it. If Tamerlane hadn’t gotten stolen, you wouldn’t have left the door unlocked, and Marian Wallace wouldn’t have left the baby in the store. Good timing is what that was." - P104

"Still bad timing. Your wife had died. And then you had Maya." - P104

"Sounds like a latter-period Philip Roth novel," he says. - P106

Rosie crosses her arm. "That’s one of those things you say to sound smart, right?" she says. "But, really, you’re trying to make someone else feel stupid." - P106

He suspects she is right. He is a snob, not suited for relationships. He will raise his daughter, run his store, read his books, and that, he decides, will be more than enough. - P106

She is an enthusiastic if not overly graceful mouse. She scurries with abandon. She wrinkles her nose in a recognizably mousy way. She wags her pipe-cleaner tail, which had been painstakingly coiled by him. - P109

Snow is beginning to fall, and the flakes catch in Maya’s whiskers. He wants to take a picture, but he doesn’t want to do the thing where you stop to take a picture. "Whiskers become you," A.J. tells her. - P110

"Good job. I’m forty-three, and in these years I’ve learned that it’s better to have loved and lost and blah blah blah and that it’s better to be alone than be with someone you don’t really fancy. Do you agree?" - P110

She nods, and he squats on the ground so that she can get on his back. "Put your arms around my neck." Once she is mounted, he stands, groaning a little. "You’re bigger than you used to be." - P111

As do most women, Maya likes Daniel. - P112

AT LAST IT is March. The roads thaw, turning everything to muck. Ferry service resumes, as do Daniel Parish’s wanderings. Sales reps come to town with their summer offerings, and A.J. goes out of his way to be hospitable to them. He takes to wearing a tie as a way of signaling to Maya that he is "at work" as opposed to "at home." - P114

The project hadn’t taken him long since he’d liked it more than he expected —a cross between Flannery O’Connor southern gothic and The Fall of the House of Usher or Caligula. He’d been planning to casually dazzle Amelia with his True Blood knowledge when she came to town. - P115

He writes, I’m sorry you’re hurt. Had been looking forward to hearing Knightley’s summer list. Hope we can reschedule soon. Also, and it pains me to say this—"Giving Jason Stackhouse vampire blood is like giving Ho Hos to a diabetic." - P116

He is fascinated by the Amelianess of the things in the frame behind her: a mason jar filled with dying sunflowers, a diploma from Vassar (he thinks it says), a bobblehead of Hermione Granger, a framed picture of a young Amelia and people he guesses are her parents, a lamp with a polka-dotted scarf draped over it, a stapler that looks like a Keith Haring figure, an old edition of some book whose title A.J. cannot make out, a bottle of sparkly nail polish, a windup lobster, a set of plastic vampire fangs, an unopened bottle of good champagne, a— - P117

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배당금은 안정적인 수입을 제공하고 주주들의 사기를 높일 수 있다. 기업은 때때로 특별 배당금(Special Dividend)이라고 하는 배당금을 언제든지 선언할 수 있다. 많은 투자자들에게 배당금은 투자수익에 상당한 영향을 미칠 수 있기 때문에 현금 배당금을 지급하는 회사를 선호한다. 또 스탠다드앤푸어스(Standard & Poor’s)에 따르면 1926년 이후 배당금은 미국주식 총 수익에 거의 40%를 기여했다. - <매주 달러 받는 배당주 통장>, 장우석 - 밀리의 서재
https://www.millie.co.kr/v3/bookDetail/cc51b00157c44057 - P33

굳이 말하자면 배당성향(Payout Ratio) 때문이다. 뒤에서 자세하게 설명하겠지만 배당성향은 연간 주당 배당금을 주당 순이익으로 나누어 계산한 것으로 배당성향이 높다는 것은 회사가 수익의 상당 부분을 배당금으로 사용하고 있어 미래의 비즈니스 성장에 투자할 자금이 적다는 것을 의미한다. - <매주 달러 받는 배당주 통장>, 장우석 - 밀리의 서재
https://www.millie.co.kr/v3/bookDetail/cc51b00157c44057 - P38

이렇게 잦은 배당주기는 배당락일의 영향이 적은 것으로 알려져 있는데, 실제 67년간 배당을 인상한 P&G(프록터앤갬블)는 배당락일에 주가가 하락하고 회복하는데 평균 6.3일밖에 소요되지 않는다. 또 61년간 배당을 인상 지급한 코카콜라도 배당락일 이후 주가가 회복하는데 평균 11.2일이 소요되고, 12년간 배당을 인상 지급한 워런 버핏의 최애 종목인 애플의 경우는 고작 1.1일만에 배당락일의 주가하락을 회복한다. - <매주 달러 받는 배당주 통장>, 장우석 - 밀리의 서재
https://www.millie.co.kr/v3/bookDetail/cc51b00157c44057 - P44

둘째, 배당성향 측면에서 미국과 국내 배당주의 차이가 크다. 기업이 벌어들인 이익에서 배당을 지급하는 정도를 나타내는 배당성향을 보면 차이가 매우 크다. 미국은 35%이고 우리나라는 15%로 가장 낮다.
- <매주 달러 받는 배당주 통장>, 장우석 - 밀리의 서재
https://www.millie.co.kr/v3/bookDetail/cc51b00157c44057 - P45

월스트리트젠 홈페이지(www.wallstreetzen.com)에서 원하는 기업명을 검색한 후 ‘Dividend(배당)’ 메뉴를 누르면 해당 기업의 배당 정보를 확인할 수 있다. - <매주 달러 받는 배당주 통장>, 장우석 - 밀리의 서재
https://www.millie.co.kr/v3/bookDetail/cc51b00157c44057 - P47

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Amelia is five minutes late. "Pequod, like Moby Dick," she says. She is wearing a dress made out of what looks like a repurposed crocheted tablecloth over a vintage pink slip. She has a fake daisy in her curly blond hair and is wearing galoshes despite the fact that the day is sunny. A.J. thinks the galoshes make her seem like a Boy Scout, in a state of readiness and prepared for disaster. - P94

"In less than four years, I hope," Amelia says. "I’ll do my best to have them read in three." He pauses. - P98

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THE NEXT AFTERNOON, once the snow has stopped and even begun to melt away into mud, a body washes up against the small strip of land near the lighthouse. The ID in her pocket says that this is Marian Wallace, and it does not take long for Lambiase to deduce that the body and the baby are, in fact, related. - P56

She was pretty and smart, which makes her death a tragedy. She was poor and black, which means people say they saw it coming. - P57

He is not fat, though he is built like a bulldog—thick-muscled neck, short legs, broad, flat nose. A sturdy American bulldog, not an English one. - P58

"What’s strange to me," A.J. says, "is why she was on Alice Island in the first place. It’s kind of a pain to get here, you know. My own mother’s visited me once in all the years I’ve lived here. You really believe she wasn’t coming to see someone specific?" - P59

He is a reader, and what he believes in is narrative construction. If a gun appears in act one, that gun had better go off by act three. - P59

He thinks back to the last Footnotes show, which had been a tribute to eighties music. For his bathtub performance, he follows the program pretty closely, beginning with "99 Luftballons" then segueing into "Get out of My Dreams, Get into My Car." For the finale, "Love in an Elevator." He only feels mildly foolish. - P63

If Jenny were a book, she would be a paperback just out of the box—no dog ears, no waterlogging, no creases in her spine. - P64

At first, he had mainly bought mass-market paperbacks—Jeffery Deaver and James Patterson (or whoever writes for James Patterson)—and then A.J. graduates him to trade paperbacks by Jo Nesbø and Elmore Leonard. Both authors are hits with Lambiase, so A.J. promotes him again to Walter Mosley and then Cormac McCarthy. A.J.’s most recent recommendation is Kate Atkinson’s Case Histories. - P72

The process had taken the average amount of time, concluding the September before Maya’s third birthday. The major strikes against A.J. had included his lack of a driver’s license (he had never gotten one on account of his seizures) and, of course, the fact that he is a single man who had never raised a child or even a dog or a houseplant. Ultimately, A.J.’s education, his strong ties to the community (i.e., the bookstore), and the fact that the mother had wanted Maya to be placed with him had outweighed the strikes. - P73

The most annoying thing about it is that once a person gives a shit about one thing, he finds he has to start giving a shit about everything. - P76

And then, despite the fact that A.J. does not believe in God, he closes his eyes and thanks whomever, the higher power, with all his porcupine heart. - P76

The store is seven Mayas wide and twelve Mayas long. She knows this because she once spent an afternoon measuring it by lying her body across the room. It is fortunate that it is not more than twenty Mayas long because that is as far as she could count on the day the measurements were taken. - P81

Books typically smell like Daddy’s soap, grass, the sea, the kitchen table, and cheese. - P82

What is "the same kind of black"? She looks at her hands and wonders. Here are some other things she wonders about. How do you learn to read? Why do grown-ups like books without pictures? Will Daddy ever die? What is for lunch? - P83

Maya knows that her mother left her in Island Books. But maybe that’s what happens to all children at a certain age. Some children are left in shoe stores. And some children are left in toy stores. And some children are left in sandwich shops. And your whole life is determined by what store you get left in. She does not want to live in the sandwich shop. - P84

"Sometimes books don’t find us until the right time." - P92

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