어밀리아의 대학 동창들 중 아무도 이 글을 읽고 있는 여자를 아는 사람이 없었지만, 그걸 특별히 이상하게 여기는 사람도 없었다. 배서 대학이 작긴 해도 전교생이 모두 서로 알고 지내는 곳은 절대 아니었고, 어밀리아는 늘 온갖 동아리에서 친구를 사귀는 재주가 좋았다. - <섬에 있는 서점>, 개브리얼 제빈 - 밀리의 서재
https://www.millie.co.kr/v3/bookDetail/a36b87fd98f0423d - P210

딱히 글쓰기와 관련된 사항은 아니지만…… 언젠가 너도 결혼에 대해 생각할 날이 오겠지. 주변에 딴 사람이 있어도 너밖에 안 보인다는 사람을 골라라.

—A. J. F. - <섬에 있는 서점>, 개브리얼 제빈 - 밀리의 서재
https://www.millie.co.kr/v3/bookDetail/a36b87fd98f0423d - P211

이즈메이는 현관 홀에서 기다리고 있다. 한쪽 발로 다른 쪽 종아리를 감싼 모양으로 다리를 꼬고 앉아 있다. 전에 여자 앵커가 이렇게 앉은 모습을 봤는데 그게 인상 깊었다. 그런 다리 꼬기를 완수하려면 가느다란 다리와 유연한 무릎이 필요하다. 이즈메이는 오늘을 위해 고른 드레스가 너무 얇은 건 아닐까 생각한다. 실크 재질의 원피스인데 여름도 다 갔다. - <섬에 있는 서점>, 개브리얼 제빈 - 밀리의 서재
https://www.millie.co.kr/v3/bookDetail/a36b87fd98f0423d - P212

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"If you lose a flower, you get another flower," Maya reasons. "If you lose the ring, everyone is sad forever. The ring bearer has much more power."
"You sound like Gollum," A.J. says.
"Who’s Gollum?" Maya wants to know.
"Someone very nerdy that your father likes," Amelia says. - P156

Amy turns the bottle over and reads the bottom: A Good Man-darin Is Hard to Find. - P156

"It is the secret fear that we are unlovable that isolates us," the passage goes, "but it is only because we are isolated that we think we are unlovable. Someday, you do not know when, you will be driving down a road. And someday, you do not know when, he, or indeed she, will be there. You will be loved because for the first time in your life, you will truly not be alone. You will have chosen to not be alone." (156p)
None of Amelia’s other college friends recognize the woman who is reading the passage, but none of them find this particularly odd either. Vassar is a small college, though certainly not the kind of place where everyone can know everyone, and Amelia has always had a knack for making friends with people from a variety of social circles. - P156

Not particularly apropos of writing but . . . Someday, you may think of marrying. Pick someone who thinks you’re the only person in the room. —A.J.F. - P160

"In my experience, a book is more satisfying to readers if you do," A.J. says. "Although I don’t mind ambiguity myself."
The groups’ cheers drown out everything after the word do.
"Traitor," Lambiase yells. - P202

"Me. I was kidding about the not-bad-looking part. I know I’m not exactly the blue-ribbon cow." - P203

And that worked out so well with you and Daniel, A.J. thinks but does not say. - P204

"Plays, the odd bit of poetry. Then there are the books I teach every year:
Tess of the d’Urbervilles, Johnny Got His Gun, A Farewell to Arms, A Prayer for Owen Meany, some years Wuthering Heights, Silas Marner, Their Eyes Were Watching God, or I Capture the Castle.
Those books are like old friends - P205

"I do want to," Lambiase says. "But not if that means I don’t get to take
you on a second date. I don’t want to be a warm-up for the guy that gets you." - P207

A long one runs from her knee to her hip. Lambiase runs his thumb along it: it’s like a seam on a doll. "Yeah, I see them, but it doesn’t take away from anything."
Her leg had been broken in fifteen places and she’d had to have the socket of her right hip replaced, but other than that, she’d been fine. For once in his life, Daniel had taken the brunt of the impact. - P208

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She furrows her brow, and A.J. thinks she is going to say no. "A good man is hard to find," she says finally. - P155

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"All I can say is . . . All I can say is we’ll figure it out, I swear. When I read a book, I want you to be reading it at the same time. I want to know what would Amelia think of it. I want you to be mine. I can promise you books and conversation and all my heart, Amy." - P154

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He is about to miss his moment. He plucks the box from his pocket and throws it at her. "Think quick," he says. "What?" she says as she turns. The jewelry box hits her smack in the middle of the forehead. "Ow. What the fuck, A.J.?" - P153

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