She slowly turned her back on them and walked out onto the veranda. The chill air rushed into the apartment when she opened the sliding door. He fixed his eyes on the pale blue of her Mongolian mark, seeing the traces of his saliva and semen that had dried there like sap. Suddenly it felt to him that he had grown old, had experienced everything there wasto experience, and that not even death held any fear for him any more.
She thrust her glittering golden breasts over the veranda railing. Her legs were covered with scattered orange petals, and she spread them wide as though she wanted to make love to the sunlight, to the wind. He heard the sounds of the approaching ambulance siren, of screams, sighs, the yells of children, all the commotion of the alleyway down below. The sound of feet hurrying up the stairs, coming closer.
He had to rush out onto the veranda, now, and throw himself over the railing against which she was leaning. He would fall down three floors and smash his head to pieces. It was the only way. The only way to make a clean end of all this. And yet he kept on standing there as if rooted to the spot, as if this was the final moment of his life, staring fixedly at the blazing flower that was her body, that body which now glittered with images so much more intense than those he had filmed during the night. - P119

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그녀는 천천히 그들에게서 몸을 돌려 베란다 쪽으로 다가갔다. 미닫이문을 열어 찬바람이 일시에 밀려들어오도록 했다. 그는 그녀의 연둣빛 몽고반점을 보았고, 거기 수액처럼 말라붙은 그의 타액과 정액의 흔적을 보았다. 갑자기 자신이 모든것을 겪어버렸다고, 늙어버렸다고, 지금 죽는다 해도 두렵지않을 것 같다고 느꼈다.
그녀는 베란다 난간 너머로 번쩍이는 황금빛 젖가슴을 내밀고, 주황빛 꽃잎이 분분히 박힌 가랑이를 활짝 벌렸다. 흡사 햇빛이나 바람과 교접하려는 것 같았다. 가까워진 앰뷸런스의 사이렌, 터져나오는 비명과 탄성, 아이들의 고함, 골목 앞으로 모여드는 웅성거리는 소리들을 그는 들었다. 여러개의 급한발소리들이 층계를 울리며 다가오고 있었다.
지금 베란다로 달려가, 그녀가 기대서 있는 난간을 뛰어넘어 날아오를 수 있을 것이다. 삼층 아래로 떨어져 머리를 박살낼 수 있을 것이다. 그렇게 할 수 있을 것이다. 그것만이 깨끗할 것이다. 그러나 그는 그 자리에 못박혀 서서, 삶의 처음이자 마지막 순간인 듯, 활활 타오르는 꽃 같은 그녀의 육체, 밤사이 그가 찍은 어떤 장면보다 강렬한 이미지로 번쩍이는 육체만을 응시하고 있었다. - P147

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With the runoff from the fields muddying the water and the pale sunlight on its surface, the water looked like butterscotch pudding on the boil. But if you fell into it, it would freeze your blood and fling you out into the lake, if it didn’t brain you against the buttresses first. - P7

The wind was warm; it was pulling the clouds apart into threads of old wool, and the gulls and crows were quarrelling and diving over the river. Buzzards were circling over them, on the high lookout; the robins had just returned, and the red-winged blackbirds were darting in pairs, striking bright on your eyes as if they had been dipped in paint. - P8

Another change in their conversation out here was that they practically gave up using names. They didn’t use each other’s real names much anyway—not even family nicknames such as Bud. - P10

And yet they hardly thought of each other as friends. They would never have designated someone as a best friend or a next-best friend, or joggled people around in these positions, the way girls did. - P10

Those walking home were mostly men. The women were already there—they were there all the time. - P12

When answering, the boys didn’t look up past any lady’s purse or any man’s Adam’s apple. - P13

The fever sweated out of him, and all the towels and sheets turned brown. It was the nicotine in him. The nurses had never seen anything like it. Cece was delighted. He claimed to have been smoking tobacco and drinking alcohol since he was ten years old. - P14

"What’s this?" cried Cece Ferns aloud. "If this is the blood of the Lamb then he must’ve been pretty damn anemic." - P14

He hadn’t been in time to wipe out the old grease and plop a bit of fresh lard in the pan. His mother never wiped out the old grease, just let it sit from one meal to the next and put in a bit of lard when she had to. - P15

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Also there is a red box, which has the letters D. M. WILLENS, OPTOMETRIST printed on it, and a note beside it, saying, "This box of optometrist’s instruments though not very old has considerable local significance, since it belonged to Mr. D. M. Willens, who drowned in the Peregrine River, 1951. It escaped the catastrophe and was found, presumably by the anonymous donor, who dispatched it to be a feature of our collection." - P3

Not off the ground. - P5

He always seemed to be crammed into his little car as if it was a bursting suit of clothes. - P6

The boys squatted down on the bank, then lay on their stomachs and pushed their heads out like turtles, trying to see. - P6

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오직 한가지 아내에게 남다르다고 할 만한 점이 있다면 브래지어를 좋아하지 않는다는 것이었다. 짧고 민숭민숭했던 연애시절, 우연히 그녀의 등에 손을 얹었다가 스웨터 아래로 브래지어 끈이 만져지지 않는 것을 알았을 때 나는 조금 흥분했었다. 혹 그녀가 나에게 무언의 신호를 보내고 있는 것인지 판단하기 위해 잠시 새로운 눈으로 그녀의 태도를 관찰했다. - P11

내가 믿는 건 내 가슴뿐이야. 난 내 젖가슴이 좋아. 젖가슴으론 아무것도 죽일 수 없으니까. 손도, 발도, 이빨과 세치 혀도, 시선마저도, 무엇이든 죽이고 해칠 수 있는 무기잖아. 하지만 가슴은 아니야. 이 둥근 가슴이 있는 한 난 괜찮아. 아직 괜찮은 거야. 그런데 왜 자꾸만 가슴이 여위는 거지. 이젠 더이상 둥글지도 않아.
왜지. 왜 나는 이렇게 말라가는 거지. 무엇을 찌르려고 이렇게 날카로워지는 거지. - P43

어떤 고함이, 울부짖음이 겹겹이 뭉쳐져, 거기 박혀 있어. 고기때문이야. 너무 많은 고기를 먹었어. 그 목숨들이 고스란히 그 자리에 걸려 있는 거야. 틀림없어. 피와 살은 모두 소화돼 몸 구석구석으로 흩어지고, 찌꺼기는 배설됐지만, 목숨들만은 끈질기게 명치에 달라붙어 있는 거야. - P61

나는 아내의 움켜쥔 오른손을 펼쳤다. 아내의 손아귀에 목이 눌려 있던 새 한마리가 벤치로 떨어졌다. 깃털이 군데군데 떨어져나간 작은 동박새였다. 포식자에게 뜯긴 듯한 거친 이빨자국 아래로, 붉은 혈흔이 선명하게 번져 있었다. - P65

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