The boy thought he was finally done for. He clearly felt the flesh on his neck tear and the relentless, painful sharp thing digging in between his bones. Thinking his neck would be cut in half, he closed his eyes. - P87

The boy who had become a young man started to latch onto the small glimmer of hope of leaving the cave on his own. - P88

The only thing he wore on his body were those manacles and shackles. Scored onto his naked body, on his arms and legs and vertebrae and both racks of ribs, were a hundred and twenty large, triangular scars. - P88

It would insert a sharp, hard thing into the boy’s vertebrae and suck. Starting near his backside above his pelvis and working its way up, vertebrae by vertebrae, toward the boy’s neck. - P85

Then a sharp, hard, and indescribably terrifying and painful object punctured his vertebrae. - P86

Despite this, the boy prayed that someone, whoever that may be as long as it was someone, came to rescue him from this cave. That they would take him wherever it may be as long as it wasn’t here, to a place where this pain and darkness did not exist, he prayed with all his drained, wasted heart. - P86

Of course, no one came to his rescue. Since no one knew the boy existed, no one realized that the boy had disappeared. - P86

They both lived in the same cave, but the world of the boy and the world of the insect were so different. While the boy had finally found another lifeform with him, it was completely disinterested in the pain, expectations, or hopes the boy held. - P87

Not the cries of someone driven mad with fear, but the tears of someone who understood and was saddened by their own loneliness—the tears of a human being. - P87

Whenever the youth struggled in fear, the bald man pressed down with his fat, white hand on the scar on the nape of the youth’s neck. It was strange how well he knew how to make the youth obey. - P92

The oils made the triangular scars on his body shine like threatening tattoos. - P92

the youth felt the shockwave of every bone and joint breaking within him. Even in the painful throes of being shattered into a thousand pieces, during that single leap he could still hear the sound of every individual break and crack, one after another. - P93

The left arm stretching out before him was covered in something hard and glistening, like gray scales, and his hand and fingers looked like they were hewn from rock. That gray hand, looking nothing like a human’s, was now wrapped around the ferocious-looking young man’s neck, and squeezing. - P98

But in that moment, he could finally connect the sound of breaking, the bone-shattering pain, and the gray, stony scales that appeared from the triangular scars along his limbs and back and ribs. - P99

The youth would later remember that just then, he sprouted black wing-like limbs from his back and whacked away the giant that had been lunging for the youth’s throat. - P101

When he was done, he lifted his head and stared up at the sky where the rain was falling from. The raindrops hit his face and slid into his mouth. He drank them in; they were sweet and refreshing. - P102

They were a translucent gray. Perhaps she hadn’t been born this way, but a thin membrane had formed on her eyes and clouded her vision. He thought her eyes were beautiful. The woman was more beautiful than anyone he had ever seen before. - P106

Once upon a time. All legends start this way. - P110

According to a sorcerer, the best sacrifice was a prepubescent child. - P110

The absurdity of the conclusion made him feel helpless. The strangers who stole his childhood with their sorcerer and beliefs, the despondent life he had lived on the brink of death, it had all been meaningless in the end. - P117

And once his tears had finally ceased, he began to walk toward the rising sun, in search for that place in this world where his life was waiting for him. - P117

The moment his fingertips brushed hers, the woman transformed into thousands of water droplets and scattered into thin air. - P116

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Flashing sunlight or suffocating darkness, the blinding sky or the damp and moldy air of the cave, water as cold as ice or sticky humidity and feces—there was nothing in between for the boy and no foretelling of what would happen when. - P85

They both lived in the same cave, but the world of the boy and the world of the insect were so different. While the boy had finally found another lifeform with him, it was completely disinterested in the pain, expectations, or hopes the boy held. - P87

Not the cries of someone driven mad with fear, but the tears of someone who understood and was saddened by their own loneliness—the tears of a human being. - P87

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[eBook] 랑데부 - 이 광막한 우주에서 너와 내가 만나
김선우 지음 / 흐름출판 / 2024년 4월
평점 :

여행과 예술이 도도새로 피어나다.
사라진 존재가 화폭으로 되살아나다.
넘쳐나는 말들 속에 소통의 부재를 치유하다.

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She was my creation, a companion made by my own hands. A being who existed, from head to toe, solely for me—someone who was, for lack of a better way of saying it, completely and utterly "mine." - P75

They interacted with their masters and "learned" about them, and they used that information to "think" and "understand." Artificial companions, as time went on, changed and "grew" into the most optimal companion possible for their masters’ needs and desires. - P75

The beings I see before me are not the machines I had known—no, the machines I had thought I’d known. Whatever I’d believed before, these are not machines that resemble humans at all. - P83

The boy was dragged into the cave. - P85

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She had on a flowing white silk dress with billowing sleeves and a wide, silvery belt. Her face was pale as snow, and her hair dark as coal, draping past her waist. I thought she looked like the paintings of great beauties from the Tang Dynasty the opera troupe had hung around their stage. - P52

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