변하지 않는 것들은 중요하다. 그것을 알면 확신을 갖고 미래를 가늠할 수 있기 때문이다. 베이조스는 저렴한 가격과 빠른 배송을 원하는 아마존 고객들의 욕구가 사라진 미래는 상상할 수 없다고 말했다. 그래서 그 두 가지를 유지하는 데 주력하는 것이다. 이런 접근법은 삶의 거의 모든 영역에서 유효하다.

-알라딘 eBook <불변의 법칙> (모건 하우절 지음, 이수경 옮김) 중에서 - P17

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아마존의 창업자 제프 베이조스Jeff Bezos는 앞으로 10년 동안 무엇이 변할 것 같으냐는 질문을 자주 받는다고 한다. 거기에 대해 이런 말을 덧붙였다. "그런데 ‘앞으로 10년 동안 변하지 않을 것은 무엇입니까?’라는 질문을 받는 경우는 거의 없습니다. 나는 사실 이 두 번째 질문이 더 중요하다고 생각하거든요."

-알라딘 eBook <불변의 법칙> (모건 하우절 지음, 이수경 옮김) 중에서 - P17

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지금과는 모든 것이 다른 낯선 세상임에도, 당신은 그들을 지켜본 뒤 입에서 절로 이런 말이 튀어나올 것이다. "똑같네, 똑같아. 변한 게 없구나."

-알라딘 eBook <불변의 법칙> (모건 하우절 지음, 이수경 옮김) 중에서 - P16

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내가 이 책에서 들려주고자 하는 것은 늘 변화하는 세상에서 절대 변하지 않는 것들에 관한 이야기다.

역사는 누구도 예상하지 못한 뜻밖의 사건들로 가득하다. 한편으론 시대를 초월한 지혜와 교훈을 가득 품고 있다.

-알라딘 eBook <불변의 법칙> (모건 하우절 지음, 이수경 옮김) 중에서 - P16

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The inability to forecast the past has no impact on our desire to forecast the future. Certainty is so valuable that we’ll never give up the quest for it, and most people couldn’t get out of bed in the morning if they were honest about how uncertain the future is. - P54

If you want to really judge someone’s abilities you would compare dozens, hundreds, or thousands of attempts against reality. But a lot of fields don’t generate that many opportunities to measure. It’s no one’s fault; it’s just that the reality of the real world is messier than an idealized spreadsheet. - P53

It often takes too long for a sufficient sample size to play out. So everyone is left guessing. - P53

Distinguishing between unfortunate odds and recklessness is hard when risk has painful consequences. It’s easier to see black and white even when the odds are apparent. - P54

Knowing the high odds of something happening loses its meaning when that thing happening hurts. Probability goes out the window. - P56

But our difficulty dealing with probability and large numbers makes us overly sensitive to run-of-the-mill, inevitable risks. Same as ever. - P55

Stories are always more powerful than statistics. - P56

내가 기억하려 애쓰는 또 다른 하나는 열린 상상력을 지녀야 한다는 점이다. 즉 현재 상황을 뛰어넘어 늘 다양한 가능성을 고려해야 한다.

-알라딘 eBook <불변의 법칙> (모건 하우절 지음, 이수경 옮김) 중에서 - P16

A big part of this idea is coming to terms with how limited our view of what’s happening in the world can be. - P20

People who think about the world in unique ways you like also think about the world in unique ways you won’t like. - P36

The key thing is that unique minds have to be accepted as a full package, because the things they do well and that we admire cannot be separated from the things we wouldn’t want for ourselves or we look down upon. - P37

A common trait of human behavior is the burning desire for certainty despite living in an uncertain and probabilistic world. - P45

The core here is that people think they want an accurate view of the future, but what they really crave is certainty. - P46

Just whoever tells a story that catches people’s attention and gets them to nod their heads is the one who tends to be rewarded. - P56

I have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream. I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal." I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. I have a dream today! The rest was history. - P58

Mark Twain said, "Humor is a way to show you’re smart without bragging." - P63

When a topic is complex, stories are like leverage. - P63

The most persuasive stories are about what you want to believe is true, or are an extension of what you’ve experienced firsthand. - P64

Stories get diverse people to focus attention on a single point. - P64

Good stories create so much hidden opportunity among things you assume can’t be improved. - P65

Some of the most important questions to ask yourself are: Who has the right answer, but I ignore because they’re inarticulate? And what do I believe is true but is actually just good marketing? - P66

The world is driven by forces that cannot be measured. - P67

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