When Amelia comes to pitch the fall list, she stays for two weeks. She wears seersucker shorts and flip-flops adorned with daisies. - P134

They settle on a 1960s era ring with a diamond in the middle and a setting made out of enamel petals. "Like a daisy," Maya says. "Amy likes flowers and happy things." A.J. thinks the ring is a bit gaudy, but he knows Maya is right—this is the one Amelia would pick, the one that will make her happy. At the very least, the ring will match her flip-flops. - P138

In the back row sits the woman who hadn’t had a lighter. She wears a floppy gray fedora and a silky maxidress. Her clothes look like they could be from a thrift shop, but Amelia, who actually shops in thrift shops, recognizes them as expensive. - P148

"I . . ." Amelia looks at the woman. She has kind eyes. Amelia has often been fooled by kind eyes. - P149

"The truth is, he did it for me. It was the first book we loved together." - P150

"Leonora Ferris." "Leonora. Like Leon," Maya pipes up. She has had a milkshake and is now recovered. "I am Maya Fikry." - P150

All at once, Amelia is struck with a thought. She turns around and calls, "No one travels without purpose. Those who are lost wish to be lost." "You’re quoting The Late Bloomer," Leonora says after a long pause. "It really was your favorite." "It was," Amelia says. " ‘When I was young, I never felt young.’ Something like that. Do you remember the rest of the quote?" - P151

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