The woman told them the dog had gotten her foot frozen in the winter when someone left her outside all night tied up on the back concrete patio. The veterinarian had had to amputate the toes on that foot. She had a white plastic tube she wore now that fastened with Velcro. - P87

What about Bonny? the boy said. Where’d you get that name? A girl in my class. Someone you like? Sort of. All right. Bonny it is. I think it suits her, Addie said. - P88

The truth is I like it. I like it a lot. I’d miss it if I didn’t have it. What about you? I love it, she said. It’s better than I had hoped for. It’s a kind of mystery. I like the friendship of it. I like the time together. Being here in the dark of night. The talking. Hearing you breathe next to me if I wake up. I like all that too. - P91

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