She wanted a quiet and peaceful life and sought a modest yet warm community where she could live out her days in harmony with her neighbors. She thought she had finally found such a place. - P119

The child liked the basement. The woman thought this was because there were many things to look at and play with. She had been told it was all stuff that had been left behind by the former third-floor renter. - P121

The child liked to play in the building. She’d go exploring in the different rooms, and whenever she seemed to have momentarily disappeared, she could always be found in the basement. - P125

She learned quickly that an "alternative lifestyle" meant nothing without a detailed, concrete plan, and living "free of the fetters of capitalism" meant working for places that didn’t pay their workers on time. - P127

As she worried about realizing this alternative lifestyle in the real world, she crumbled away under the pressures of working at a company in the non-profit sector that was run not by the normal labor of workers, but through their unrequited sacrifices. Meanwhile, her husband, who was her upperclassman in college but graduated later than she did, fiddled around in search of his ideal "alternative lifestyle" without ever settling down on any particular profession—the result being the twenty-million-won loan he had taken out and used up without her knowledge. - P127

그녀가 대안 없는 생계를 걱정하며 직원들의 정상적인 근무가 아니라 일방적 희생으로 운영되는 대안적 직장에서 하루하루 시달리며 부스러져가는 동안 남편은 그녀의 대학 선배였지만 그녀보다 늦게 학교를 졸업하고 딱히 내놓을 만한 직업 없이 "대안적인 삶"을 찾아 떠돌았다. 그리고 그 결과가 그녀 모르게 빌려 쓴 2000만 원이었다.

-알라딘 eBook <저주토끼> (정보라 지음) 중에서 - P211

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