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아프지 말고, 행복하자 

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일요일에 너무 많이 자서 그런지 잠이 안 온다. 
음악이나 듣자. 

Trudging slowly over wet sand
Back to the bench where your clothes were stolen
This is the coastal town
That they forgot to close down
Armageddon, come Armageddon!
Come, Armageddon! Come!

Everyday is like Sunday
Everyday is silent and grey

Hide on the promenade
Etch a postcard :
"How I Dearly Wish I Was Not Here"
In the seaside town
That they forgot to bomb
Come, come, come, nuclear bomb

Everyday is like Sunday
Everyday is silent and grey

Trudging back over pebbles and sand
And a strange dust lands on your hands
(And on your face)
(On your face)
(On your face)
(On your face)

Everyday is like Sunday
"Win yourself a cheap tray"
Share some greased tea with me
Everyday is silent and grey

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라로 2015-03-03 15:46   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
오호호 제가 이 노래 좋아해요. ㅋㅎㅎㅎ 중독성이 강한 Morrissey 의 노래!! 제 서재 어딘가에도 올린 것 같은데???

2015-03-03 18:20   URL
비밀 댓글입니다.

개를 훔치는 완벽한 방법. 

동심. 순수. 집. 가족. 기다림. 깜찍함... 

영화에 대해, 초심에 대해, 가족에 대해 한번 더 생각하게 만든 영화. 

초반부의 지루함과, 배우들 (특히 아이들)의 딕션과 강혜정의 얼굴은 좀 아쉬움

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Concert Tour 2003 "SPIRITS" 

35th Anniversary Concert 'Festival' 2013

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