Strengthsfinder 2.0 (Hardcover)
톰 래스 지음 / Gallup Pr / 2007년 2월
평점 :

Another self-help book that directs you to a 30 min. test and shows what strengths and talents you have. Spent $4 to buy a used book from, but had to spend another $10 to take the test online since the passcode in the book already been used (no wonder there are thousands used book on sale on for as low as $0.01).  If you buy a new book it is going to cost $15 at Basically, it is a $15 self analyzing test since the most part of the book is explanations of 34 traits that the test results will show. The test is good to know your 'strengths' that you might need to invest more time and energy to be successful, but if I knew the book was only about the test, I would't buy it. I should have read the description more carefully before I ordered it.

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