New Moon (Paperback) - The Twilight Saga, Book 2 The Twilight Saga 2
스테프니 메이어 지음 / Little Brown Books / 2008년 5월
평점 :

After reading the first book of Twilight series, I was craving more for the 2nd book, New Moon. The #1 New York Times Bestseller Twilight Saga does not let me down. No wonder so many people read them and even made movies as well.

I adored reading about Bella and Jacob Black 's new relationship. Even though when Edward decided to leave Bella which was pretty sad, they finally understood how much they cannot be apart at the end, so that was good. While Bella was badly hurt from the worst break up ever, Jacob helped Bella out by filling in the empty times of her life. There were moments Bella got confused about her relationship with Jacob. I am sure many people have similar experiences like that so it was pretty understandable. What I like the most about New Moon is that it brings in many new exciting characters, the werewolves, and Italian vampires.

I liked the 1st book more, but New Moon's story is necessary for the later series I assume. This book can be cheezy or corny, but still, I like fantasy romance books and this Twilight Saga series can blow your heart way.

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