전출처 : 물만두 > 국제 스릴러 작가 협회 선정 <반드시 읽어야 하는 스릴러 70선>

1. Edgar Allan Poe, The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym, 1838  아서 고든 핌의 모험

2. Alexandre Dumas, The Count of Monte Cristo, 1845  몬테크리스토 백작

3. Wilkie Collins, The Woman in White, 1860 The Woman in White
4. H. Rider Haggard, King Soloman’s Mines, 1885

5. Robert Louis Stevenson, The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, 1886  지킬박사와 하이드 씨

6. Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray, 1891 도리언 그레이의 초상

7. Bram Stoker, Dracula,1897  드라큘라

8. Rudyard Kipling, Kim, 1901

9. Joseph Conrad, Heart of Darkness, 1902  암흑의 핵심

10. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, The Hound of the Baskervilles, 1902  바스커빌가의 개

11. Erskine Childers, The Riddle of the Sands, 1903

12. Edgar Rice Burroughs, Tarzan of the Apes, 1912  타잔

13. Marie Belloc Lowndes, The Lodger, 1913

14. John Buchan, The 39 Steps, 1915  39계단

15. Rafael Sabatini, Scaramouche , 1921
16. Richard Connell, “The Most Dangerous Game,” 1924  
17. W. Somerset Maugham, Ashenden, or The Secret Agent, 1928

18. James M. Cain, The Postman Always Rings Twice, 1934  우편배달부는 벨을 두번 울린다

19. Eric Ambler, A Coffin for Dimitrios, 1939
20. Geoffrey Household, Rogue Male, 1939
21.Helen MacInnes, Above Suspicion, 1941 
22. Cornell Woolrich, The Night Has a Thousand Eyes, 1945
23. Kenneth Fearing, The Big Clock, 1946
24. Graham Greene, The Third Man , 1950  
25. Patricia Highsmith, Strangers on a Train, 1950  낯선 승객
26. Jim Thompson, The Killer Inside Me, 1952
27. Daphne du Maurier, “The Birds,” 1952
28. Hammond Innes, Campbell’s Kingdom, 1952
29. Jack Finney, The Invasion of the Body Snatchers, 1954
30. Ian Fleming, From Russia with Love, 1957
31. Richard Condon, The Manchurian Candidate, 1959
32. Len Deighton, The Ipcress File, 1962

33. Fletcher Knebel and Charles W. Bailey, Seven Days in May, 1962  바디 스내처

34. John le Carre, The Spy Who Came in from the Cold, 1963  추운 나라에서 돌아온 스파이

35. Alistair MacLean, Ice Station Zebra, 1963 
36. Adam Hall, The Quiller Memorandum, 1965
37. Michael Crichton, The Andromeda Strain, 1969
38. James Dickey, Deliverance, 1970

39. Frederick Forsyth, The Day of the Jackal, 1971  자칼의 날

40. Brian Garfield, Death Wish, 1972
41. David Morrell, First Blood, 1972

42. Trevanian, The Eiger Sanction, 1972  아이거 빙벽

43. Joseph Wambaugh, The Onion Field, 1973

44. Peter Benchley, Jaws, 1974  죠스

45. William Goldman, Marathon Man, 1974
46. James Grady, Six Days of the Condor, 1974
47. Robert Stone, Dog Soldiers, 1974

48. Jack Higgins, The Eagle Has Landed, 1975  독수리는 날개치며 내렸다

49. Clive Cussler, Raise the Titanic!, 1976 타이태닉호를 인양하라

50. Ira Levin, The Boys from Brazil, 1976  브라질에서 온 소년들

51. Anne Rice, Interview with the Vampire, 1976   뱀파이어와의 인터뷰

52. Robin Cook, Coma, 1977 코마

53. Ken Follett, The Eye of the Needle, 1978
54. Stephen King, The Dead Zone, 1979
55. John D. MacDonald, The Green Ripper, 1979

56. Robert Ludlum, The Bourne Identity, 1980 잃어버린 얼굴

57. Eric Van Lustbader, The Ninja, 1980

58. Thomas Harris, Red Dragon 1981  레드 드래건

59. Tom Clancy, The Hunt for Red October,1984 붉은 10월호

60. Dale Brown, Flight of the Old Dog, 1987
61. Nelson DeMille, The Charm School,1988

62. Dean Koontz, Watchers, 1988 와처스

63. Katherine Neville, The Eight, 1988  디 에이트

64. John Grisham, The Firm, 1991  그래서 그들은 바다로 갔다

65. James Patterson, Along Came a Spider, 1992  스파이더 게임

66. Stephen Hunter, Point of Impact, 1993
67. Caleb Carr, The Alienist, 1994
68. John Lescroart, The Thirteenth Juror, 1994
69. Tami Hoag, Night Sins, 1995
70. David Baldacci, Absolute Power, 1995


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