Goody! Goody!˝ cried John, jumping up and down, while Elsie put her arms round papa‘s neck and gave him a hug.

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it reached the house it domesticated itself at once, and became immediately a great favorite with my wife.

-알라딘 eBook <검은 고양이 THE BLACK CAT> (에드거 앨런 포) 중에서

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One night as I sat, half stupified, in a den of more than infamy, my attention was suddenly drawn to some black object, reposing upon the head of one of the immense hogsheads of Gin, or of Rum, which constituted the chief furniture of the apartment.

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I now habitually frequented, for another pet of the same species, and of somewhat similar appearance, with which to supply its place.

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When I first beheld this apparitionfor I could scarcely regard it as lessmy wonder and my terror were extreme. But at length reflection came to my aid. The cat, I remembered,

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