names had themselveschosen them on the day in which, from- 12 -caprice, discontent, or want of fortune, theyhad donned the simple Musketeer‘suniform.

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그러면 어느 운석밑으로 홀로 걸어가는슬픈 사람의 뒷모양이거울 속에 나타나온다.

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밤이면 밤마다 나의 거울을손바닥으로 발바닥으로 닦아 보자.

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therefore, to obtain permission to print it,
with the view of presenting ourselvessomeday with the pack of others at thedoors of the Academie des Inscriptions etBelles Lettres, if we should not succeed

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This permission, wefeel bound to say, was graciously granted;which compels us here to give a publiccontradiction to the slanderers who pretendthat we live under a government butmoderately indulgent to men of letters.

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