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ISFJ Personality Types

ISFJs direct their energy towards the inner world of thoughts and emotions. They try to clarify ideas and information, particularly when it relates to people and important relationships. They are quiet, serious observers of people, and are often both conscientious and loyal.

What makes an ISFJ tick?

The Dominant function is the perceptive one of Sensing. Characteristics associated with this function include:

  • Likes looking at information in terms of facts and details
  • Focuses more on the here and now rather than possibilities for the future
  • Feels comfortable in areas of proven experience
  • Takes a realistic approach

The perceptive Sensing function is introverted. That is, Sensing is used primarily to govern the inner world of thoughts and emotions. The ISFJ will therefore:

  • Seek to develop a realistic understanding of the world as it is, in the light of what he/she observes
  • Be pragmatic in nature, constantly learning to adapt to the world as it is now
  • Observe in a subjective way, selecting and relating facts that others would not, and seeing those facts more in terms of impressions and significance than pure fact

The Sensing function is primarily supported by extraverted Feeling judgement, That is, Feeling judgement is used primarily to manage the outer world of actions and spoken words. This will modify the way that the Sensing is directed, by:

  • focusing the (inner world) Sensing on ideas and possibilities that relate to people
  • expressing appreciation for the contributions of others, particularly where they have done or said something that the ISFJ sees as significant
  • making decisions on the basis of values that support the ISFJ's understanding of the world
  • reinforcing the subjectivity of observation

The classic temperament of an ISFJ is Epimethean, or Melancholic, for whom a basic driving force is duty, service and the need to belong.  

Contributions to the team of an ISFJ

In a team environment, the ISFJ can contribute by:

  • working hard and efficiently to complete tasks by the deadlines set
  • building team spirit through maintaining good relationships with each team member, being accepting of their contributions, and promoting harmony and co-operation
  • contributing practical skills in organising people
  • ensuring that everyone in the team feels valued, and that their needs are met
  • asking for contributions from all team members, and seeking to arrive at consensus decisions
  • maintaining respect for established hierarchies and traditions
  • striving to ensure that people are happy with the service provided

The potential ways in which an ISFJ can irritate others include:

  • avoiding conflict, and not giving criticism when it is needed
  • not articulating his/her understanding of the situation
  • not seeing the wood for the trees
  • failing to state his/her own needs
  • being too serious
  • not promoting his/her own ideas or achievements

Personal Growth

As with all types, the ISFJ can achieve personal growth by developing all functions that are not fully developed, through actions such as:

  • articulating more of the ISFJ's own views
  • developing a long term vision, that avoids focusing on details
  • assertiveness training
  • being more forthright, and offering direct criticism
  • learning to promote the ISFJ's ideas and achievements to others, recognising that others may well find them valuable
  • undertaking a formal process of evaluation against criteria, including a cost benefit analysis

Recognising Stress

As stress increases, 'learned behaviour' tends to give way to the natural style, so the ISFJ will behave more according to type when under greater stress. For example, in a crisis, the ISFJ might:

  • find a place of solitude in which to think and work
  • value the efforts of others and appreciate their encouragement
  • use tried and trusted means of solving problems, possibly failing to recognise the need for change
  • use pragmatic solutions at the expense of the long term

Under extreme stress, fatigue or illness, the ISFJ's shadow may appear - a negative form of ENTP. Example characteristics are:

  • being very intolerant of others who do not act competently
  • suggesting impractical ideas
  • being critical of others, and finding fault with almost everything
  • having a gloomy view of the future
  • being argumentative

The shadow is part of the unconscious that is often visible to others, onto whom the shadow is projected. The ISFJ may therefore readily see these faults in others without recognising it in him/her self. 



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Report using MMDI code: uqkm
This report is based on the results of the 'Mental Muscle Diagram Indicator'. This is a questionnaire that can help you find out your personality type. However, as with all such questionnaires, the results can be wrong.

You therefore need to decide for yourself what your personality type is. Your conclusion may be the same or different to this report. It may also be different to other questionnaires. It is estimated that the Myers Briggs Type Indicator, for example, produces a wrong result in one out of every three or four cases.This questionnaire, the MMDI, is currently in development, so does not have anywhere near the same degree of research behind it as the Myers Briggs Type Indicator and is probably not as reliable or valid.

This is because working out your personality type is not an easy task. Much of personality is 'unconscious'. Sigmund Freud used the analogy of an iceberg, suggesting that most of personality is out of sight under the water. Also, people are complex, full of contradictions. That can make finding out your personality type a bit like trying to find a black cat in the dark, whilst wearing sunglasses! Such difficulty is quite normal. Even some 'experts' in the field of personality have found it difficult to find out their type.

So, finding out your personality type is more of an art than a science. Questionnaires can help you help in your quest, and so can other people. But they don't always have the right answers. The only real expert in your personality is you.

To help you find out your type, we have matched the pattern of answers you gave to the MMDI questionnaire with the 'standard' patterns of the 16 personality types. The table right shows the percentage fit with each personality type.




From this table, you can see that the two highest scoring types are ISFJ and ISTJ. This doesn't rule out the other types. But those are the two that are closest when we 'pattern match' your questionnaire results with each of the 16 personality types

Differences between ISFJ and ISTJ

It may help you work out your type if we compare the similarities and differences between ISFJ and ISTJ.

One important thing to look at is which preferences 'dominate' the personality. Carl Jung and Isabel Briggs Myers said there is a 'dominant function'. What this means, in simple terms, is that two of the letters in the type code are much more important than the others.

For people with ISFJ preferences, the most important letters are I and S. For people with ISTJ preferences, the most important letters are also I and S. This means that ISFJ and ISTJ have something important in common. The same two letters are particularly important for them both, so they share the same 'dominant function'.

The Dominant Function

For ISFJ and ISTJ the most important preferences are Introverted Sensing. Your 'dominant function' is Sensing, oriented towards the inner world. You bring clarity to the inner world of information, ideas and understanding. You listen, ask questions and absorb information. In their mind?s eye you want to achieve as clear a picture or understanding as is possible. You expand their knowledge and collection of experiences. You also look to the future by envisaging clear goals and clear pathways to achievement of those goals. By focusing on clarity you also pay a lot of attention to detail.

Both your top-scoring types share the same dominant function. The characteristics of these two types are therefore very similar.

Preference Differences

ISFJ and ISTJ differ in Thinking/Feeling. This preference is about your preferred way of making decisions. If you prefer to decide on the basis of objective logic, using an analytic and detached approach, then your preference is for Thinking. If you prefer to decide using values and/or personal beliefs, on the basis of what you believe is important or what you or others care about, then your preference is for Feeling.
Everybody uses both sides of the preferences at times, depending on the circumstances. But the difference between the two personality types is your natural inclination. That is, which would you prefer to do in a situation of free choice?

'Whole Type' Differences

Another way to help decide between two (or more) personality types is to look at the descriptions of each one.

As an analogy, you can't always tell which country someone comes from by listening to the words they use. If they use French words when speaking, they might be from France or Belgium or Canada or many other countries. To work out where someone comes from you have to listen to the whole person: the language, the accent, the behaviour, etc..

In a similar way, sometimes you cannot tell someone's personality type by looking at individual behaviours. You need to look at the whole person. You can then work out your type by comparison with some descriptions of the personality types.

Final Notes

Carl Jung said: 'every individual is an exception to the rule'.

You are a unique individual. The personality types can help you to orient yourself as you find your way around your personality. They also provide a language (a label) that helps you explore your identity.

However, personality types are not meant to put you in a box. Some people misuse the concept of personality type by saying that if you are ABC type, then you must be good at doing XYZ. Some people also make judgements about others on the basis of their personality type, e.g.: in recruitment. Such judgements are mistakes, made through ignorance.

We have an article on recruitment that explains why Myers Briggs shouldn't be used to make important judgements about others. 




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마늘빵 2008-01-12 12:50   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
최지우... -_-+

Jeanne 2008-01-12 13:10   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
하하하 왜용!

당신은 얼마나 여자 같은 남자일까?
관계지향성 : 14 점 감성지향성 : 70 점
사람들에게 당신은 약간 신비한 인물로 비춰질 수 있다. 당신은 여성적이면서도 여성적이지 않은 사람. 혹은 남성적이면서도 남성적이지 않은 사람이기 때문이다. 당신은 객관적인 사실보다는 당신만의 느낌과 감각을 중요하게 여긴다. 세련된 감각과 취향은 당신을 부드럽고 여성적인 사람으로 보이게 한다. 하지만 당신은 어떤 문제를 발견했을 때 그것을 해결하기 위해서 과감한 결단을 내릴 줄도 아는데, 이런 추진력과 공격성은 남성적 측면이다. 어떤 사람은 당신의 이 양면성을 이중성으로 해석하고 비난하기도 한다. 남자든 여자든 당신은 그 집단의 전형적인 사람이 아니기 때문에 조금 고달프다. 당신이 남자라면 당신은 지나치게 까다로움을 피운다고 핀잔을 받은 적이 많을 것이다. 반면에 당신이 여자라면 대인관계에서 너무 둔하고 냉정하다는 소리를 들은 적이 많을 것이다. 그러나 좋은 점도 있다. 여자인 당신은 다른 여자들에 비해 과감하게 일을 추진할 수 있으며, 남자인 당신은 다른 남자들에 비해서 섬세하고 세련된 감성을 자랑할 수 있다.


당신은 여성적 감수성과 남성적 합리성을 고루 갖추고 있다. 그 결과 남들이 사실에만 집중할 때 당신은 그들이 보지 못하는 미래를 볼 수 있는 통찰력이 있다. 대부분의 경우 당신의 직관은 옳다. 그래서 당신은 현재보다는 미래를 준비하는 사람으로 한발 앞서 유행을 예측하고 선도하는 역할을 할 수 잇다. 또한 당신은 남들의 느낌이나 생각에 대해서 모르는 바는 아니지만 공과 사를 구분해야 할 때는 그런 것을 무시할 줄도 안다. 즉, 당신은 보통 감각적인 사람들에겐 없는 추진력이 있다. 즉, 당신은 미래를 예측하고 그 미래를 현실로 만들어낼 수 있는 선구자라 할 것이다.


당신은 남성과 여성의 장점을 고루 가지고 있지만, 그것이 단점이 되기도 한다. 예를 들어,당신이 가진 감수성이 평소에 지나치게 발휘되면 너무 까다롭고 변덕스럽다는 평판을 얻게 된다. 게다가 그 감수성과 일 처리를 할 때의 냉정함이 결합되면 당신은 무자비한 괴물로 변신한다. 당신은 반대파를 만났을 때 논리적으로 이치를 따지기 보다는 상대의 감정을 긁고 상처를 주는 방식으로 행동하기 쉽다. 결과적으로 적을 많이 만들어 낼 가능성이 높다.
당신은 섬세하고 감수성이 풍부하면서도 동시에 냉정한 양면성을 가지고 있다. 그래서 어떤 사람은 당신의 섬세한 면만 보고 다가섰다가 숨겨진 냉정함을 발견하고 놀라거나 상처를 입기도 한다. 당신에게 적절한 전략은 따라서 평소에는 냉정한 모습을 주로 보여주다가 가끔씩 섬세한 배려를 해주는 것이다. 그러면 당신은 합리적이면서도 마음이 따듯한 사람으로 존경 받을 것이다. 당신은 말을 줄이고 행동을 많이 하는 것이 좋다. 당신의 말은 여러 가지 오해를 불러일으킨다. 하지만 통찰력에 따른 당신의 행동은 사람들의 가려운 곳을 긁어주고 언젠가는 그 가치를 인정 받게 된다.
 천하 제패를 꿈꾼 한반도 최초의 여제, 선덕여왕
재위기간 632-647. 유일한 성골 출신 왕위 계승권자로 진골 출신 남성들과 경쟁을 통해 왕위에 오른 한반도 최초의 여왕. 당시 백제, 고구려의 팽창 정책으로 위기에 빠진 신라를 공격적인 외교술로 구해 냈으며, 김춘수와 김유신 등 우수한 인재의 등용으로 삼국통일의 기반을 마련한다. 특히 친 문화적 정책으로 황룡사9층탑, 금동미륵반가사유상, 첨성대 등 신라 시대의 대표적 유물들을 남겼다.
 "사생아"에서 여왕으로, 세계를 제패한 군주로, 엘리자베스 1세 여왕
1533-1603. 영국의 제국화, 절대주의를 이끈 사상 최강의 여군주. 자신이 여자로 태어났다는 이유로 어머니의 목이 잘리는 등 무수한 난관 끝에 왕의 자리에 올라 피폐했던 조국을 세계 최강국으로 키워냄. 허약했던 정치 기반을 여성 특유의 지혜와 유연성으로 극복하고, 안으로는 정치적 안정 및 상공업 발전, 밖으로는 해상을 제패하고 해외 식민지 확장을 도모했다. 뿐만 아니라 문화와 예술의 후원자를 자처, 셰익스피어와 같은 역사적 문인들을 키워내기도 했다.
 전근대적 사회에 몰락한 최초의 여류화가, 나혜석
1896-1948. 일제시대 개화기를 살았던 조선 최초의 여류 화가이자, 여성 운동가. 부유한 명문가의 자손이자, 친일파의 아내로 호위호식하며 살 수 있었으나 자신의 지위와 부를 이용해 독립운동과 여성 교육에 적극적인 지원을 아끼지 않았음. 그러나 파리 유학 시절 최린과의 간통 혐의, 남편의 배신 등으로 급작스럽게 몰락하기 시작함. 그는 사회적 멸시와 경제적 어려움 속에서도 연이어 언론에 여성 차별과 권리에 대한 파격적인 발언을 해 굉장한 센세이션을 일으켰음.

당신에겐 대중적인 브랜드나 제품보다는 독특하고 희귀한 디자인이 어울린다. 너무 앞서가는 것은 아닌가 싶더라도 과감해져라. 그 과감함이 당신을 당신답게 한다. 당신은 너무 일찍 나온 덕분에 사람들의 관심을 끌지 못하는 아이템을 미리 골라낼 줄 아는 사람이다. 지금 그 능력을 발휘하라.


(아이템 사진을 클릭하면 CJ 홈쇼핑 페이지로 이동합니다.)



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마늘빵 2007-05-04 11:01   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
군주시군요! ^^

Jeanne 2007-05-04 22:07   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
앗. 제 서재에 누군가의 풋프린트가- 그것도 알라딘왕자(?) 아프님- 군주가 될만한 리더쉽 비슷한거라도 있었으면 좋겠어요-^^
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