18. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents are the best teachers. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

나는 above statement에 동의한다.

1.best supporter
부모는 아이와 많은 시간을 보내므로 가장 아이를 잘 이해할 수 있어서 아이의 장점을 개발할 수 있다.예를 들어 에디슨의 경우 학교에서 학습능력이 떨어진다고 평가되었지만 그의 어머니는 그의 아들의 장점을 발견하고 그가 창의적인 사고를 하도록 도와서 대단한 발명가로 만들었다.이의 예에서 보듯이 부모는 아이의 장점을 일찍 발견하여 도울 수 있는 가장 좋은 후원자이다.(supporter)

2.model of Role
아빠,엄마를 통해서 사회적 역할에 대해서 배우고 그것을 모방하면서 자신의 가치관을 세울수 있다.
유아기(infant age)에서 학령기(school age)이르는 시기는 아이의 가치관(과 학습능력을 결정짓는 가장 중요한 시기이다.부모의 행동을 모델로 삼고 그것을 모방(imitation)하면서 자신의 행동을 결정하게 된다. 따라서 부모가 아이의 행동에 모범이 된다면 아이는 바른 인격을 지닌 사람으로 성장하게 되는 것이다.이런 이유로 부모는 아이의 행동에 가장 영향을 미치는 사람이다.

18. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents are the best teachers. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
What is the definition of a good teacher? First, she (please allow me to use “she”) should have a wide range of knowledge. Second, she should have a kind heart and patience. Third, she should know how to teach children.

Now, we have defined a good teacher. Let’s compare them with our parents. Doubtless our parents are considerate people. If children make mistake, they will not rush to criticize them. Instead, they will first figure out the reason behind the wrong deed. Therefore, children will feel that parents consider their children human beings equal to parents. It is very important to be a good person. Also, parents with a good living habit will affect their children life. There is a Korean old saying, “Children are clone of parent.” That is, children are most likely to be influenced by parents and carry on good habits. As a result, children are to be a good person. I would love to consider the great teachers if they had enough knowledge to teach children.

However, most parents don’t have enough knowledge to teach their children. Have you ever had this kind of experience? You have got a math problem and couldn’t solve it. Your mother came into your room and tried to help you. She got the right answer at once, but no matter how she explained, you could hardly understand. This is the problem. That is why there are professional teachers at schools. To be a good teacher, people need not only patience and love but also methods and knowledge that make people know. Teachers go to special schools to learn those methods, so they can usually do a much better job than parents can.

Furthermore, parents always try to provide their kids with whatever they want. Day by day, the kids become very demanding and adamant. They never realize the feeling of not getting something. But when they step into society leaving the umbrella of their parents, they do face a lot of ups and downs in life. He cannot tolerate the bad days in life and suffers a lot.

Considering all the factors above, we may come to the conclusion that parents may not be the ideal teachers. But, although children need teachers, parents can provide them with the greatest emotional support in their lives without a substitute.

주제 : Parents are the best teachers.
1. Parents are the best supporters for children with much love and attention. Education is based on the faith between teacher and student. From this point of view, the love and attention should be the fundament for education. Therefore, parents have the basis to be the best teacher. In addition, their love and attention to their children encourages children not to give up learning when they have some troubles.
2. Parents are good models for children. Education includes every parts of life. Children learn the life by modeling. Parents have been the models for their children since their birth. When the children are young, they could not find other models and they tried to follow the parents’ behaviors. Therefore, parents can be the best teacher for their children.

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