To earn something new is always amazing and awesome.

And suddenly, in about 1420, the Florentines noticed that they were nothe people they had been in the Middle Ages. They had different concerns. They found  different things beautiful. To them the old cathedrals and paintings seemed gloomy  and rigid, the old traditions irksome. - P186

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로마 시티 Rome City - The Illustrated Story of Rome
이상록 지음 / 책과함께 / 2021년 9월
평점 :

In the wake of the COVID-19, I visited in Rome again over a month through this book. I always thank her for giving me a lot of inspiration and pleasure.I think I might go on a trip soon in Italy.

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성 마태오를 선택한 예수
마태오와 천사
마태오의 순교

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Despite our worst...

In Ezra and Malachi, we see that God does not respond to our sins by walking away from us, although He does express His disappointment and anger. In the Passion Week readings, we see that God has a plan to make us capable of receiv-ing His best.
- P3

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God is faithful because faithfulness is the essence of His character, and because of His unconditional love.

 This pattern shows us that while we will fail because of our indwelling sin, God can use even our brokenness for His glory and will restore us through His grace. - P114

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