9 They were seared by the intense heat and they cursedthe name of God, who had control over these plagues,
but they refused to repent and glorify him. - P85

God is not quick to anger; He is patient, givingample warning and opportunity for repentance.  - P88

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we can await in hope the day when Christ returns in triumphant glory.
- P80

We see that God was,
is, and will always be good, especially on the day of judgment.  - P80

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The blood of Christ was shed, not because of His sin, but because of ours. Let us not take the issue of sin lightly but recognize that God is a God of justice. - P76

No matter what I face, I pray to always be reminded that You hold me fast and that one day Your perfect justice will be fully accomplished. In Jesus’ name, amen. - P77

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We can live out the gospel by being truthful and blameless, which is made possible because Christ has given us His righteousness. - P72

if they worship anything or anyone other than God: eternal torment. There will be no rest for idolaters. However, those who trust in Jesus and obey God can be reassured that He blesses those who suffer for His name’s sake. - P72

"Faith takes hold of the promises that woous to Christ, and gladly receives thewarnings that shout to our souls, Do not leave him!"- Greg Morse - P72

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we do not need to become anxious or afraid. Let us instead hold fast to the truth God has taught us. - P64

First, we must remember that the beast’s tyranny is temporary. God has set limits to the time of its rule, after which it will lose all authority. Second, those whose names are written in the Lamb’s book of life will be kept from worshiping the beast. Because there is a set end to the suffering and persecution of believers, and because God Himself protects us from deception until the end, we can take courage and endure. - P64

I quickly realized howcrucial it is to stay vigilant and keep my heart focused on God. So, Iam making every effort to dedicate each day to Him. I begin and endeach day in prayer and with the meditation of God‘s Word, regardlessof any troubles I might face or have faced throughout the day. Thispractice helps me stay connected to God and transforms negativeinfluences, both external and internal, into positive energy for servingHim and His Kingdom. - P65

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