하나님이 비전을 주시고 어둠의 시간을 지나게 하실 때는 훈련의 시간입니다. 하나님의 침묵은 우리에게 최고의 훈련이 됩니다. 어둠의 시간 동안 타인의충고를 듣거나 세상 지식을 의지하는 일은 하나님을 전적으로 의지하는 데 방해가 될 뿐입니다. 이때 성도의 의무는 가만히 듣는 것입니다. - P31

기다림의 시간을 통해 우리는 ‘성화‘의 시간을 갖게 되며, 하나님이 어떤 분이신지 알게 됩니다. 하나님의 침묵은 우리의 연단을 위한 필수적인 코스입니다. - P31

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35Then Jesus declared, "I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty. - P105

40For my Father’s will is that everyone who looks to the Son and believes in him shall have eternal life, and I will raise them up at the last day." - P105

True disciples want to have a relationship with Jesus and desire to become more like Him. - P106

we are true disciples of Christ when we seek first God’s kingdom for His glory. - P106

He is not just a miracle worker; He is the one sent from God to save the world. - P106

May we care fopeople holistically, allowing God to work through us in addressing thphysical needs of others as well as encouraging them to seek the only on-who can satisfy their spiritual hunger. - P107

Help me live as a true disciple who follows You daily in my words and actions. In Your name I pray, amen. - P107

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10Jesus said, "Have the people sit down." There was plenty of grass in that place, and they sat down (about five thousand men were there).

11Jesus then took the loaves, gave thanks, and distributed to those who were seated as much as they wanted. He did the same with the fish. - P100

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그러나 하나님은 이러한 우리의 노력보다도 ‘순종‘을 원하시는 분입니다. 하나님을 위해 무엇을 하는 것보다, 하나님이 우리의 목표가 되는 것을 원하십니다. 하나님은 당신을 섬기는 우리의 귀한 마음을 기뻐하시지만, 우리가 아니어도 하나님은 얼마든지 일하실 수 있는 분임을 잊지 말아야 합니다. 우리 인생에서 가장가치 있는 일은 하나님이 쓰시는 인생이 되는 것입니다.  - P30

하나님의 부르심의 한 가지 목표는 하나님의만족입니다. 주를 위해 뭔가를 하라고 부르신 것이 아닙니다. 우리는 하나님을위해 싸우라고 보냄을 받은 자가 아니라 단지 하나님이 친히 싸우시는 전쟁에서도구가 되라고 부름을 받은 자입니다." 진정한 헌신은 주님을 위해 우리가 하는
‘무엇‘이 아니라, 주님이 하시는 일에 도구로 쓰임 받는 것에 대한 만족입니다.
단지 도구로 쓰임 받는 일에 대한 감사가 있다면 교만도 실족도 없을 것입니다. - P30

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You study the Scriptures diligently because you think that in them you have eternal life. These are the very Scriptures that testify about me, - P94

ultimately all Scripture points to the one John’s Gospel calls The Word of God. In Jesus, Scripture lives and breathes, walks and talks. It is meant to do the same in us. More than verses to memorize or doctrines to learn, our time spent in the Scriptures lights our way to Jesus. - P96

Perhaps we should all seek to answer the question:am I just reading the Scriptures, or am I allowing the Scriptures to read me? - P96

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