GodHimself sides with His people by putting on flesh and fulfilling theMessianic promise in Psalm 2. This is our heritage, that God loves us. - P56

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When you drive through a long enough tunnel,
you can sometimes forget that there is light at the end of it. God haswritten in His unchanging Word that there is indeed an end coming,
an end where all will be restored to what it should be. Therefore, wenever go through the darkness without hope; goodness will come asGod ordained. - P50

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The HolySpirit can move with the simple yet powerful words of a God-giventestimony. - P47

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Other times, embracing God’s Word and obeying His commands might result in persecution and suffering for Christ. Ultimately, we know that the truth of God is good for us and that following His Word is always worth it. - P42

The way I think about God‘s char-acter, His actions, and the way He relates to His people shifts as I diveinto a deeper understanding of His Word. - P43

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Despite these calamities, people remain unrepentant. - P35

Because God is a God of justice, He does not allow sin to go on without judgment. Until the final judgment, however, He still gives people time to repent. - P38

In actuality, repentance is a good word. It marks the point of change:in turning away from sin, a person is turning toward God.  - P39

Protect me from ever becoming numb or indifferent toward sin. Instead, may my life continuallyshow evidence of repentance. In Jesus‘ name, amen. - P39

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