Believers are to love each other/deeply and sincerely because they have beenborn again through God‘s Word. They are to rid themselves of sinful attitudesAs people who have tasted God‘s goodness, they are to crave spiritual milk. Just as Christ is the living Stone, so they are to be livings stones-building upthe church by trusting and obeying Him. - P33
Not only havewe been reconciled from enemy status, but we can now confidentlycall ourselves God‘s representatives. God does more than save us fromdeath; He saves us into a purposeful and meaningful life. - P34
"The gospel is that I am so sinful that Jesus had to die for me, yet so loved andvalued that Jesus was glad to die for me. This leads to deep humility and deepconfidence at the same time."-Timothy Keller - P34
Lord, I am grateful for what You did for us on the cross. I thank You for the giftof not just life, but life to the full. My only hope and trust are in You. May Yoube honored in how I now live my life. In Your name, amen. - P35