An angel proclaims the fall of Babylon, the symbol of a powerful and corruptempire. The city‘s destruction is inevitable due to its sins and moral decay.
Another voice from heaven warns God‘s people to come out from Babylon toescape her judgment. Babylon will be overtaken by plagues and consumedby fire. - P99

followers of Christ, we are called to live according to God’s values, embodying His kingdom of righteousness, justice, and mercy as a shining light against the darkness in the world. - P100

Living for Christ requires daily dependence and a heart that is humble before God. - P100

so that instead of conforming to the world, we can give ourattention to the God we serve. - P101

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21-22 "오, 야곱아, 이것들을 기억하여라.
이스라엘아, 네가 내 종이라는 사실을 엄숙히 받아들여라.
내가 너를 만들었다. 너를 빚어 내었다. 너는 나의 종이다.
오, 이스라엘아, 나는 결코 너를 잊을 수 없다.
내가 너의 모든 죄를 청산해 주었다.
말끔히 없애 주었다.
내게 돌아오너라, 돌아오너라.
내가 너를 속량했다." - P195

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When evil rises against us, we do not need to cower in fear or become discouraged. We must remember that God’s sovereignty endures, and we rest in the assurance that even when evil appears strong, nothing can hinder God’s eternal reign. - P96

those who belong to Christ will reign with Him in victory. Hallelujah!
- P96

"God is at work behind the scenes, and one day we will understand oursuffering‘s hidden purposes."- Randy Alcorn - P96

When explaining John‘s vision, the angel says that the beast hasthority "until God‘s words are fulfilled" (Rev. 17:17). This remindsme that, even in the midst of the darkness and suffering in the world,
God is still present and involved. He has not forsaken us. He alreadyproved this when He sent Jesus to save us: "God so loved the worldthat he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shallnot perish but have eternal life" (John 3:16). Those who believe inJesus have the assurance that they are deeply loved and that they canenjoy eternal life with Him. - P98

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The Holy Spirit opens our eyes to the reality behind the allure of what the world offers. Only when we allow the Spirit to lead us can we resist the pull of sin and stand firm in a world that is often seductive but ultimately destructive. - P92

We have salvation through Christ and we are continually strengthenedand sanctified through the work of the Holy Spirit. - P93

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이사야여, 우리를 위해 기도해 주십시오.
이곳에 남아, 요새를 지키고 있는 우리를 위해 기도해 주십시오!"
5-7 그때 히스기야 왕의 신하들이 이사야에게 와서 이렇게 말하니.
이사야가 대답했다. "당신들의 주인에게 이렇게 전하십시오. 하나님의 메시지다. 네가 들은 말, 앗시리아 왕의 종들이 나를 조롱하며했던 그 말에 동요할 것 없다. 내가 친히 그를 처리할 것이다. 그가나쁜 소식을 듣고 그 일을 처리하러 자기 나라로 황급히 돌아가게만들 것이다. 그는 거기서 살해될 것이다. 비명횡사할 것이다." - P168

15-20 히스기야가 하나님께 기도했다. "그룹 천사들 위에 앉아 계신만군의 하나님, 주님은 하나님, 오직 한분이신 하나님, 세상 모든 나라를 다스리시는 하나님이십니다. 주님은 하늘과 땅을 지으신 분입니다. 오 하나님, 귀 기울여 들어주십시오. 오 하나님, 눈여겨보십시오. 산헤립이 보내온 저 말, 살아 계신 하나님을 모욕하는 저 말을들어 보십시오. 오 하나님, 과연 그의 말대로 앗시리아 왕들은 모든나라, 모든 강토를 초토화시켰습니다. 그 나라의 신들을 쓰레기통에처넣고 불살랐습니다. 하지만 대단한 업적이 못되는 것은, 본래 그것들은 신이 아니기 때문입니다. 모두 작업장에서 만들어진 신, 나무를 자르거나 돌을 조각해 만든 신들에 불과하기 때문입니다. 신이 아닌 것들이 최후를 맞은 것일 뿐입니다! 그러니 하나님, 오, 우리 하나님, 속히 나서 주십시오. 그의 손에서 우리를 구원해 주십시오. 그리하여 땅 위의 모든 나라가 주께서, 오직 주님만이 하나님이신 것을 알게 해주십시오." 되찾을 것이다. 유 - P169

그렇다. 하나님께서 말씀하신 그대로 되리라."
6-8 한 소리가 말한다. "외쳐라!"
내가 말했다. "뭐라고 외쳐야 합니까?"
"이 사람들은 풀에 지나지 않고,
그들의 아름다움은 들꽃처럼 덧없다.
하나님께서 한 번 훅 부시면,
풀은 마르고 들꽃은 시든다.
이 백성은 그저 풀에 불과하지 않느냐?
그렇다. 풀은 마르고 들꽃은 시들지만,
우리 하나님의 말씀은 영원토록 굳건히 설 것이다." - P177

나는 너에게 많은 것을 요구하지 않았다.
값비싼 선물도 기대하지 않았다.
그런데 너는 최소한의 성의도 보이지 않았다.
내게 참으로 인색했다. 구두쇠처럼 굴었다.
그런데 네가 죄를 짓는 일에는 인색하지 않았다.
죄 앞에서는 손이 너무도 컸다. 나는 이제 지쳤다.
그러나 나는, 그렇다.
너의 죄를 처리해 주는 이다. 그것이 내가 하는 일이다.
나는 너의 죄 목록을 보관하지 않고 있다. - P192

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