Brian the Giant (Paperback + Workbook + Audio CD 1장) - Starters Workbook Set 제이와이 리딩강 챕터북 Starter 4
비비안 프렌치 지음 / JYbooks(제이와이북스) / 2008년 10월
평점 :

Brian is  giant cooker 

He 's favorite food is muffins  

But he coundn't make muffins very well 

He didn't know how to use teaspoons or tablespoons 

He didn't know is that sugar or salt.

He didn't know how much is a cupful. 

So sometimes brian's muffins didn't rise  

and sometimes brian's muffins were burnt  

But on monday Brian's muffins were perfect 

"What a wonderful muffins" 

the mice said 

they ate all muffins. and the plate was empty ! 

So aunt pancy made pepper muffins. Mice ate the muffins and said  

"atchoo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" 

there were mice all over brian;s house.. 

Brian had a good idea. " Could you help me make perpect muffins?" 

so the mice helped brian to measure and mix  

The muffins were perfect .. expect when he muddled the sugar and salt!

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