헨리 키터리지는 오랫동안 이웃 마을에서 약사로 일했다. 눈이 오나 비가 오나, 여름날 약국으로 이어지는 큰길로 들어서기 전 마지막 구간의 가시덤불에서 야생 라즈베리가 송알송알 알이 맺힐 때나, 매일 아침 하루도 빠짐없이 약국으로 차를 몰았다. 은퇴한 지금도 그는 여전히 일찍 일어나 예전에 그런 아침을 얼마나 좋아했던가 떠올렸다. 마치 세상이 혼자만의 비밀인 듯이, 발밑에서 타이어가 부드럽게 구르고 햇살이 이른 아침 안개를 가르고 모습을 드러내는 동안, 오른쪽으로는 만(灣)이, 그다음엔 키 크고 늘씬한 소나무들이 잠시 보였다. 코끝을 간질이던 솔숲 향기와 소금기 짙은 공기, 그리고 겨울이면 찬 공기에서 묻어나는 냄새를 그는 얼마나 좋아했던가. 그래서 그는 언제나 창문을 조금 열고 운전을 하곤 했다.

-알라딘 eBook <올리브 키터리지> (엘리자베스 스트라우트 지음, 권상미 옮김) 중에서 - P4

All these years later, Amelia finds she can still drift off to the memory. - P153

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Through the doorway, I can see you both sitting on Amy’s old purple couch. You are reading Song of Solomon by Toni Morrison, and she is reading Olive Kitteridge by Elizabeth Strout. The tabby, Puddleglum, is between you, and I am happier than I can ever remember being. - P130

When Amelia comes to pitch the fall list, she stays for two weeks. She wears seersucker shorts and flip-flops adorned with daisies. - P134

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"Shared sensibility does matter," A.J. says. - P119

He settles on the Green Animals Topiary Garden in Portsmouth. - P120

When she answers the door, her knee is supported by a wheelie cart. Her cast is pink and has been signed as much as the most popular kid in school’s yearbook. She is wearing a navy blue minidress with a red patterned scarf tied jauntily around her neck. She looks like an airline stewardess. - P124

A.J. tries to explain about the topiary garden having been closed. The story sounds incredibly unconvincing—halfway through telling it, he almost decides to drop the tote and run. - P125

Amelia’s house is cluttered but clean. She has a purple velvet couch, a smallish grand piano, a dining-room table that seats twelve, many framed pictures of her friends and family, several houseplants in various states of health, a one-eyed tabby cat named Puddleglum, and of course, books everywhere. Her house smells like what she’s cooking, which turns out to be lasagna and garlic bread. - P125

I broke up with him because talking to you made me remember how important it is to share a sensibility with someone, to share passions. I probably sound silly. - P126

He leans across the table and brushes a blond curl off of her face. - P126

The book leans against the lamp, unmoved since the day they talked over the computer. Even in person, the cover is too faded to be made out. He opens to the title page: A Good Man Is Hard to Find and Other Stories by Flannery O’Connor. - P128

"Dear Amy," the book is inscribed, "Mom says this is your favorite writer. I hope you won’t mind that I read the title story. I found it a bit dark, but I did enjoy it. A very happy graduation day! I am so proud of you. Love always, Dad." - P128

He writes a note: "Dear Amelia, I honestly don’t think I could bear it if you waited until the Knightley fall list to come back to Alice Island. —A.J.F." - P128

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5) Dividend payout ratio: 배당성향
기업의 수입에서 차지하는 배당금의 비율이다. 회사가 순이익으로 주당 1달러를 벌고 주당 0.50달러의 배당금을 지급한다면 배당성향은 50%인데, 일반적으로 배당성향이 낮을수록 배당이 지속 가능하고, 인상을 할 수 있는 여력이 크다. 미국시장의 평균 배당성향은 30~40%으로 자세한 식은 다음과 같다. - <매주 달러 받는 배당주 통장>, 장우석 - 밀리의 서재
https://www.millie.co.kr/v3/bookDetail/cc51b00157c44057 - P55

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"Let’s just say I’d been on many, many bad dates by the time The Late Bloomer came across my desk. I’m a romantic person, but sometimes these don’t seem like romantic times to me. The Late Bloomer is a book about the possibility of finding great love at any age. Sounds cliché, I know." - P99

She stirs the harpoon around the tomato juice-tinted waters of her Queequeg, trying to recapture a shrimp that’s gone AWOL. - P99

"Hey A.J.," she calls. "There’s something kind of heroic about being a bookseller, and there’s also something kind of heroic about adopting a child." - P101

"My friends call me Amy," she says. - P101

None with sales reps I like as well as you is his first draft, but he decides this is too presumptuous for a girl with an American hero fiancé. He redrafts. It’s a compelling list for Knightley, I guess. - P102

Not for me, unfortunately, A.J. replies. Looking forward to seeing what’s on Knightley’s summer list. Yours, A.J. - P103

Amelia fancies herself a Sookie Stackhouse type. - P103

Lambiase hosts his Chief’s Choice Book Club at the store that night (selection: L.A. Confidential), and after that, as is their tradition, he and A.J. share a bottle. - P104

"Bad timing," Lambiase proclaims. "I’ve been a police officer for twenty years now and I’ll tell you, pretty much every bad thing in life is a result of bad timing, and every good thing is the result of good timing." - P104

"Think about it. If Tamerlane hadn’t gotten stolen, you wouldn’t have left the door unlocked, and Marian Wallace wouldn’t have left the baby in the store. Good timing is what that was." - P104

"Still bad timing. Your wife had died. And then you had Maya." - P104

"Sounds like a latter-period Philip Roth novel," he says. - P106

Rosie crosses her arm. "That’s one of those things you say to sound smart, right?" she says. "But, really, you’re trying to make someone else feel stupid." - P106

He suspects she is right. He is a snob, not suited for relationships. He will raise his daughter, run his store, read his books, and that, he decides, will be more than enough. - P106

She is an enthusiastic if not overly graceful mouse. She scurries with abandon. She wrinkles her nose in a recognizably mousy way. She wags her pipe-cleaner tail, which had been painstakingly coiled by him. - P109

Snow is beginning to fall, and the flakes catch in Maya’s whiskers. He wants to take a picture, but he doesn’t want to do the thing where you stop to take a picture. "Whiskers become you," A.J. tells her. - P110

"Good job. I’m forty-three, and in these years I’ve learned that it’s better to have loved and lost and blah blah blah and that it’s better to be alone than be with someone you don’t really fancy. Do you agree?" - P110

She nods, and he squats on the ground so that she can get on his back. "Put your arms around my neck." Once she is mounted, he stands, groaning a little. "You’re bigger than you used to be." - P111

As do most women, Maya likes Daniel. - P112

AT LAST IT is March. The roads thaw, turning everything to muck. Ferry service resumes, as do Daniel Parish’s wanderings. Sales reps come to town with their summer offerings, and A.J. goes out of his way to be hospitable to them. He takes to wearing a tie as a way of signaling to Maya that he is "at work" as opposed to "at home." - P114

The project hadn’t taken him long since he’d liked it more than he expected —a cross between Flannery O’Connor southern gothic and The Fall of the House of Usher or Caligula. He’d been planning to casually dazzle Amelia with his True Blood knowledge when she came to town. - P115

He writes, I’m sorry you’re hurt. Had been looking forward to hearing Knightley’s summer list. Hope we can reschedule soon. Also, and it pains me to say this—"Giving Jason Stackhouse vampire blood is like giving Ho Hos to a diabetic." - P116

He is fascinated by the Amelianess of the things in the frame behind her: a mason jar filled with dying sunflowers, a diploma from Vassar (he thinks it says), a bobblehead of Hermione Granger, a framed picture of a young Amelia and people he guesses are her parents, a lamp with a polka-dotted scarf draped over it, a stapler that looks like a Keith Haring figure, an old edition of some book whose title A.J. cannot make out, a bottle of sparkly nail polish, a windup lobster, a set of plastic vampire fangs, an unopened bottle of good champagne, a— - P117

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