Breaking The Silent Rules - 왜 수평적 조직문화인가?
김종남 지음 / 비비투(VIVI2) / 2017년 8월
평점 :

This book explains very well the distinctive organizational culture of Korea. Of course, the author is a corporate consultant, but the contents of this book can be applied to the culture of most organizations as well as companies in Korea. For example, it can be said that it encompasses the school organization, the military organization, and the family culture, etc.

The author is a consultant, so his content was very analytical and well organized so that it made it easy for the reader to understand it. I was amazed at how the author could understand of a county’s culture vey specifically and how to explain so easily and to present his understanding so briefly in a book. In addition, related cases were presented that he has experienced before, and the examples of horizontal organizational culture that the author wants to argue for us to realize were also suggested.

The author covers all aspects of understanding and explaining Korea’s organizational culture from a macro perspective to a micro perspective. In other words, it explains how a mindset characterizes our culture through Confucian influence as a macro perspective, and how the praise has been conducted, what type of language has been used, and how the meeting has been performed in our organization as a micro perspective. After all, through all these factors which explained above, the author argues that we have produced a special vertical culture, that it has been the value and rule inherent in us, and that it has also diminished the effectiveness of our organization.

This book can help us to understand our own culture through explanations of macro perspective, and help to deliberate how we should look for changes in the future in order to make a horizontal culture by explaining the micro characteristics of our organization.

While reading this book, I was able to put in a little effort to change the culture of my organization. The contents of the effort which presented in this book are not huge, so they were able to encourage me to start practicing from a small one for change. And I could feel a little sense of accomplishment.

At presnet, our organizational culture is not suited to chaning social characteristics. It is time to have a flexible and horizontal organizational culture.

We must understand our organizational culture accurately not only corporation but also school, military, and family etc., and make an effort to change gradually. Through this book, you can easily plan the direction of the effort for CHANGE.


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