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메리제인 2015-09-12 22:46   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
Discuss similarities and differences between the travel motives presented in The Art of Travel; a travel blog on the web and e.g. Löfgren, Homo Turisticus, and other titles from the course literature. Write, individually, a report (900-1000 words). The report should be submitted Friday, September 14.

The art of travel

Travel blog

Homo Turisticus

On holiday

When someone asks me if I like traveling, I feel obsession to be yes. being a cool person
We can guess his backgrounds, education level, wealth, taste
What you carry, fashion is not enough, your experience is new thing showing how cool you are.

Escaping from daily routines

Upgrading your social capital

Experience show your social capital
Cognitive capital