☆ Call It Courage : Armstrong Sperry [1941]

- Blue Willow : Doris Gates
- Young Mac of Fort Vancouver : Mary Jane Carr
- The Long Winter : Laura Ingalls Wilder
- Nansen : Anna Gertrude Hall
☆ The Matchlock Gun : Walter Edmonds [1942]
- Little Town on the Prairie : Laura Ingalls Wilder
- George Washington's World : Genevieve Foster
- Indian Captive: The Story of Mary Jemison : Lois Lenski
- Down Ryton Water : Eva Roe Gaggin
☆ Adam of the Road : Elizabeth Janet Gray [1943]

- The Middle Moffat : Eleanor Estes
- Have You Seen Tom Thumb? : Mabel Leigh Hunt
☆ Johnny Tremain : Esther Forbes [1944]

- These Happy Golden Years : Laura Ingalls Wilder
- Fog Magic : Julia Sauer
- Rufus M. : Eleanor Estes
- Mountain Born : Elizabeth Yates

☆ Rabbit Hill : Robert Lawson [1945]

- The Hundred Dresses : Eleanor Estes
- The Silver Pencil : Alice Dalgliesh
- Abraham Lincoln's World : Genevieve Foster
- Lone Journey: The Life of Roger Williams : Jeanetter Eaton

☆ Strawberry Girl : Lois Lenski [1946]
- Justin Morgan Had a Horse : Marguerite Henry
- The Moved-Outers : Florence Crannell Means
- Bhimsa, the Dancing Bear : Christine Weston
- New Found World : Katherine Shippen
☆ Miss Hickory : Carolyn Sherwin Bailey [1947]

- Wonderful Year : Nancy Barnes
- Big Tree : Mary & Conrad Buff
- The Heavenly Tenants : William Maxwell
- The Avion My Uncle Flew : Cyrus Fisher
- The Hidden Treasure of Glaston : Eleanor Jewett
☆ The Twenty-One Balloons : William Pène du Bois [1948]

- Pancakes-Paris : Claire Huchet Bishop
- Li Lun, Lad of Courage : Carolyn Treffinger
- The Quaint and Curious Quest of Johnny Longfoot : Catherine Besterman
- The Cow-Tail Switch, and Other West African Stories : Harold Courlander
- Misty of Chincoteague : Marguerite Henry

☆ King of the Wind : Marguerite Henry [1949]

- Seabird : Holling C. Holling
- Daughter of the Mountains : Louise Rankin
- My Father's Dragon : Ruth S. Gannett
- Story of the Negro : Arna Bontemps

☆ The Door in the Wall : Marguerite de Angeli [1950]

- Tree of Freedom : Rebecca Caudill
- The Blue Cat of Castle Town : Catherine Coblentz
- Kildee House : Rutherford Montgomery
- George Washington : Genevieve Foster
- Song of The Pines: A Story of Norwegian Lumbering in Wisconsin : Walter & Marion Havighurst