☆ Fables : Arnold Lobel [1981]
* 칼데콧 아너 *
- The Bremen-Town Musicians : Ilse Plume
- The Grey Lady and the Strawberry Snatcher : Molly Bang
- Mice Twice : Joseph Low
- Truck : Donald Crews

☆ Jumanji : Chris Van Allsburg [1982]
* 칼데콧 아너 *
- Where the Buffaloes Begin : Olaf Baker/Stephen Gammell(그림)
- On Market Street : Arnold Lobel/Anita Lobel(그림)
- Outside Over There : Maurice Sendak
- A Visit to William Blake's Inn: Poems for Innocent and Experienced Travelers : Nancy Willard/Alice & Martin Provensen(그림)

☆ Shadow : Blaise Cendrars/Marcia Brown(번역,그림) [1983]

* 칼데콧 아너 *
- A Chair for My Mother : Vera B. Williams
- When I Was Young in the Mountains : Cynthia Rylant/Diane Goode(그림)

☆ The Glorious Flight: Across the Channel with Louis Bleriot : Alice & Martin Provensen [1984]

* 칼데콧 아너 *
- Little Red Riding Hood : Trina Schart Hyman
- Ten, Nine, Eight : Molly Bang
☆ Saint George and the Dragon : Margaret Hodges/Trina Schart Hyman [1985]
* 칼데콧 아너 *
- Hansel and Gretel : Rika Lesser/Paul O. Zelinsky(그림)
- Have You Seen My Duckling? : Nancy Tafuri
- The Story of Jumping Mouse: A Native American Legend : John Steptoe

☆ The Polar Express : Chris Van Allsburg [1986]
* 칼데콧 아너 *
- The Relatives Came : Cynthia Rylant/Stephen Gammell(그림)
- King Bidgood's in the Bathtub : Audrey Wood/Don Wood(그림)
☆ Hey, Al : Arthur Yorinks/Richard Egielski(그림) [1987]
* 칼데콧 아너 *
- The Village of Round and Square Houses : Ann Grifalconi
- Alphabatics : Suse MacDonald
- Rumpelstiltskin : Paul O. Zelinsky

☆ Owl Moon : Jane Yolen/John Schoenherr(그림) [1988]

* 칼데콧 아너 *
- Mufaro's Beautiful Daughters: An African Tale : John Steptoe
☆ Song and Dance Man : Karen Ackerman/Stephen Gammell(그림) [1989]

* 칼데콧 아너 *
- The Boy of the Three-Year Nap : Diane Snyder/Allen Say(그림)
- Free Fally : David Wiesner
- Goldilocks and the Three Bears : James Marshall
- Mirandy and Brother Wind : Patricia C. McKissack/Jerry Pinkney(그림)

☆ Lon Po Po: A Red-Riding Hood Story from China : Ed Young [1990]
* 칼데콧 아너 *
- Bill Peet: An Autobiography : Bill Peet
- Color Zoo : Lois Ehlert
- The Talking Eggs: A Folktale from the American South : Robert D. San Souci/Jerry Pinkney(그림)
- Hershel and the Hanukkah Goblins : Eric Kimmel/Trina Schart Hyman(그림)