1. Animal Farm - by George Owell
2. Lord of the Flies - by William Golding
3. Jane Eyre - by Charlotte Bronte
4. Fahrenheit 451 - by Ray Bradbury
5. To Kill a Mockingbird - by Harper Lee
6. Advanture of Huckleberry Finn - by Mark Twain
7. Of Mice and Men - by John Steinbeck
8. The Grate Gatsby - by F. Scott Fitzgerald
9. The Old Man and the Sea - by Ernest Hemingway
10. Night Shift - by Stephen King
11. The Scarlet Letter - by Nathaniel Hawthorne
12. Frankenstein- by Mary Shelley
13. Pride of Prejudice - by Jane Austen
14. Hamlet - by William Shakespeare
15. Death of Salesman - by Arthur Miller
16. A Doll's House - by Henrik Ibsen
17. 18 Best Stories - by Edgar Allen Poe
18. In the Lake of the Woods - by Tim O'Brien
19. Light in August - by William Faulkner
20. The Unbearable Lightness of Being : A Novel - by Milan Kundera